NAD Amplifier reviews

NAD 116/216 THX Amplifier
NAD 116/216 THX Amplifier

Today authority of the NAD brand among lovers of high-quality sound with modest (by their measure) income is high enough in the world. Particularly NAD Company succeeds in low frequency amplifiers, which are the rightful pride of the Company. The preamplifier NAD 116 and the power amplifier NAD 216 THX...
NAD 2200 Amplifier
NAD 2200 Amplifier

Despite its conventional appearance, the NAD 2200 is radically different from other stereo power amplifiers in its design and performance, some aspects of which border on the spectacular. It carries a relatively moderate power rating of 100 watts per channel into 8-ohm loads from 20 to 20,000 Hz with...
NAD 302 Amplifier
NAD 302 Amplifier

Whatever novel developments may be hidden inside the sheet metalwork of NAD's 302 amplifier, anyone hoping for a radical departure in external styling is going to be disappointed. Even with the best will in the world, it's hard to describe the characteristic NAD style as much other than militarily workmanlike,...
NAD 304 Amplifier
NAD 304 Amplifier

In its appearance the amplifier resembles the modest and unpretentious design that is hard to compete with the luxury models of the large brands, but the surface impressions are often deceptive and this fact takes place in this case. When you have connected the amplifier to a network and carried out...
NAD 310 Amplifier
NAD 310 Amplifier

Model 310 is the easiest and cheapest model in the range of amplifiers of this company, but it was the model that caused a real furore in the English audio press a few years ago, which experts considered it "the best buy" in this price category. NAD audio equipment is addressed to those amateurs who...
NAD 312 Amplifier
NAD 312 Amplifier

This amplifier shows up among the black team owing to the fashionable color "wet asphalt" and the green power button. The amplifier had not disappointed our expectations before the switching: there are two switches on the backboard. The one features the lock for selecting the nominal resistance of the...
NAD 314 Amplifier
NAD 314 Amplifier

All Nad equipment and primarily amplifiers have quite modest but easily recognizable design. The company's products are perceived by British audio press in such a way that give reasons to believe that something typically British is concentrated in this image and, perhaps, in sound too. Like in the tested...
NAD C315BEE Amplifier
NAD C315BEE Amplifier

Any craft creates masters. People whose name becomes a kind of quality mark. Who would deny that in the literature and popular movies of the author (director, actor) is crucial? In the field of consumer electronics situation is largely different. And it's not that any device - a product of collective...
NAD C316BEE Amplifier
NAD C316BEE Amplifier

The audiophiles know her well. The brand NAD (New Acoustic Dimension) is originally English and was created in 1972 in London. Its first model, the built-in stereo amplifier 3020, marked its era and was the best-selling product in the history of Hi-Fi with nearly a million copies sold. The C316BEE,...
NAD C320BEE Amplifier
NAD C320BEE Amplifier

The object of our interest is the most affordable amplifier - NAD C320BEE. This is an advanced modification of C320 amplifier. C320BEE differs from the predecessor not only in its titanium-like finish. The circuitry has been slightly reworked, the element base has also been revised. Only the principles...
NAD C325BEE Amplifier
NAD C325BEE Amplifier

Visually this novelty differs from all previous budgetary NAD amplifiers, which the company began to produce already in 1978, by a 3,5-millimeter connector on the front panel - it is designed to connect ipod or any other MP3 player. The amplifier has everything for its price status: an electromechanical...
NAD C326BEE Amplifier
NAD C326BEE Amplifier

C326BEE is the continuer of traditions of the famous 320th series. Having a fairly low price it is equipped to a high standard. In addition to seven inputs for connection of sources, there are two subwoofer outputs, output from the amplifier and Main jacks for usage of terminal section as a power amp....
NAD C338 Amplifier
NAD C338 Amplifier

Nad is the brand, originally British, which in 1978 launched the 3020, a small affordable audiophile amp that became the best-selling stereo integrated in the history of Hi-Fi, with over a million of copies sold. C338 tries to reiterate the feat of his illustrious ancestor. It is both simple and resolutely...
NAD C340 Amplifier
NAD C340 Amplifier

It seems that the C340 was conceived by the company to repeat the success of the legendary 3020 amplifier, which began the history of NAD. And this was done already taking into account the accumulated experience and such novelties as the load resistance control circuit (ISC), which controls the operation...
NAD C350 Amplifier
NAD C350 Amplifier

The family resemblance of this amp to older NAD amplifiers is obvious. There have been developments in areas like styling, but the principal changes externally are in matters of detailing. Internally, crude construction standards and an excess of point-to-point wiring lies in the past, and frame transformers...
NAD C352 Amplifier
NAD C352 Amplifier

Despite of all structural changes, NAD Electronics continues to be the guardian of Hi-Fi traditions. The British-Canadian company has made a significant progress in the segment of high-class expensive equipment (with new Master series) in recent year, but now we return to "classics" - the line of relatively...
NAD C355BEE Amplifier
NAD C355BEE Amplifier

Letters BEE in the model's name mean that Bjorn Erik Edvardsen, the chief designer and ideologist of NAD, put a hand in its design. It seems that he managed, taking the more expensive amplifier C352 as a basis, to create a new bestseller with minimum compromises. Moreover, some solutions were borrowed...
NAD C356BEE-DAC Amplifier
NAD C356BEE-DAC Amplifier

By functional equipment this amplifier claims to be an absolute leader. In addition to traditional analog input terminals (seven ones), it has a full-fledged digital converter with a USB input. This is done within the framework of the MDC brand concept, according to which a number of NAD models can be...
NAD C370 Amplifier
NAD C370 Amplifier

The design and finish is typical for Hi-End - grey painted front panel, arranged in a single row small buttons and handles, in the location of which a distinct logic is visible. Mentally move from left to right: turn on the desired pair of speaker systems, choose by the input selector with green LEDs...
NAD C375BEE Amplifier
NAD C375BEE Amplifier

NAD C375BEE replaced very successful model C372, which was considered as one of the best by sound at a reasonable price. According to the words of the chief engineer and developer of Bjorn Erik Edvardsen (his BEE initials are in the title), the device is very close by its sound characteristics to the...
NAD D 3020 Amplifier
NAD D 3020 Amplifier

When the D 3020 came out last year, I thought it a little odd. I didn't quite 'get it', and failed to see why NAD would change the form factor so dramatically. Now, though, the idea has sunk in. Just as the original late seventies 3020 was a genre-defining product - a small, compact, black integrated...
NAD M25 Amplifier
NAD M25 Amplifier

When you rate a power amplifier, you often pay attention to its weight. Indeed, at the use of classical amplification schemes this parameter determines the quality of the component quite accurately, because the power supply unit and cooling radiators of the output stages mainly contribute to it. NAD...
NAD M3 Amplifier
NAD M3 Amplifier

The NAD M3 amplifier has a solid design, construction and weight. The side panels, made in the form of heat sinks, solve all the problems with heat dissipation. The back panel is memorable with very high quality WBT connectors. The front panel is nicely rounded on the sides, has a blue display and a...
NAD T955 Amplifier
NAD T955 Amplifier

When someone talks about the advantages of a separate power amplifier over AV receivers, he usually notices that the sound always improves if the input stages and processors sensitive to the crosstalk are located at a distance from sources of strong electromagnetic fields. This is true - with a significant...