NAD M25 AmplifierWhen you rate a power amplifier, you often pay attention to its weight. Indeed, at the use of classical amplification schemes this parameter determines the quality of the component quite accurately, because the power supply unit and cooling radiators of the output stages mainly contribute to it. NAD M25 has something to be proud of. A solid metal case is decorated with an aluminum milled facade, which has the same design as the entire Masters series. The integrity of the front side is broken only by the power switch and seven eyelets of LED indicators of the amplification channels. There are smooth sensitivity controls for each channel and a 12V trigger input for remote power control of the component. The internal space of the body is filled very tightly. A powerful toroidal Holmgren transformer is installed on the side just behind the front panel. Therefrom and even up to the back panel there are amplification modules, arranged together. The cooling radiators of the output stages are mounted directly on the amplifier boards. Three large forced cooling fans are located on the bottom; they are commanded by the processor depending on the temperature mode inside the case and the signal level at the input of the device. Thanks to the intelligent control and special design of the fan impellers, the cooling system operates completely inaudibly, and the amplifier's walls remain cold even under heavy load. The power supply for all seven channels is one. During the listening, NAD M25 fully controlled the speakers in the most intense scenes. The sound canvas differed by very precise accents and increased attention to small details. However, the firm softness of the feed sometimes damped overly the biting passages, which modern blockbusters are accompanied with. Musical compositions were presented very airy and crystal clear. The amplifier's ability to subordinate a speaker system to its will was useful here, and the soft character of the sound in the performing field was very appropriate. |