Floor standing speakers Wharfedale Jade 7

Jade for Wharfedale more than just another series of speakers, but the result of long and hard work, its release could well be a significant event in the life of the company. Designed a line of Peter Cameau, director of acoustic research. Under his leadership, was created fundamentally new material Acufiber (literally - acoustic fiber), of which the diffusers of low and medium heads. This lightweight fabric consisting of carbon and glass fibers, has a high resistance to deformation and effective internal damping. To provide additional rigidity to the surface diffuser made raised edges.

The second feature of the line is that none of its models do not use a bass reflex. Bookshelf speakers Jade 1, Jade 3 and rear Jade SR performed in a sealed enclosure and floor Jade 5 and Jade 7, as well as the center channel speaker Jade C1 and Jade C2 have a rare acoustic design "aperiodic membrane". More it is described in the sub-heading "How it works", and in just a few words to say that such a solution provides a fast and deep bass without the side effects in the form of mumbling and extraneous overtones. Compared with passive radiator, giving a similar effect, the design is a much more compact, because it requires no space for extra head. A membrane is used rarely because of the lack of accurate methods of calculation, therefore, requires the cost of solid hands-on experiments and can be done only by experienced and qualified engineers. In general, the failure of phase inverters can be seen as a bold step to quality bass for almost uncharted path.

Finally, alternative for Wharfedale hull shape with a parabolic cross-section and tweeter in a streamlined capsule made at the beveled upper plane. This design is more expensive and harder to mass production, but is characterized by greater rigidity and minimize internal reflections that can spoil the frequency response.

High and massive Jade 7 - 4-ways. For the lowest bass corresponds to a pair of 8-inch driver with a cone of Acufiber, who work up to 180 Hz, ie systems are actually a passive subwoofer with a superstructure. For a more exact alignment with them mid-frequency range is divided between the two transducers. Lower gauge 165 mm and has a diffuser Acufiber, and the upper 75-mm - of the sintered aluminum powder. Inch aluminum dome tweeter reproduces frequencies up to 24 kHz. Exactly the same head is used in different combinations in other models series.

The exterior finish - flawless, with cover embossed surface with characteristic wood texture. In addition to the black oak speakers is also available in versions Vintage Cherry and Piano Black.

In speakers massive base, which made horizontal slits - they are the ones to create a variable acoustic impedance. Input terminals connected by wide webs of non-oxidizing alloy. Includes white gloves, two sets of spikes with different angles of sharpening and glides.

I was warned that listening to speakers need to "warm up" for at least two days. And it's true - after repeated run a special drive "Densen DeMagic" sound pairs revealed with surprising evidence. Although the breed Wharfedale felt immediately, especially on the highest harmonic resolution.

But first of all I noticed the lower case, because the acoustics with aperiodic registration before listening to it was not possible. I can not say that the bass is too much different from the "Bass", but there is in it some zest. He is deep, but not overweight even in phonograms, specially recorded with the rise of the LF to demonstrate car audio systems. And electronic and acoustic bass passed to the characteristic features of timbre and does not seem monotonous. In this, perhaps, is the main, immediately noticeable to the ear advantage designs.

On symphonic recordings system is realistic recreate the atmosphere of the concert hall, of course, adjusted for the size of the listening room. By the way, in the premises of a modest area of "sevens" will not reveal, early reflections will bring chaos in the sound picture. As for the absolute dynamics, it will depend entirely on the ability of the amplifier, the most potential in terms of acoustics seems limitless. Rare system able to show almost real scale symphony orchestra with its dynamic range. About harmonic resolution I have already said - it is so high that sometimes can not believe that playing a regular CD, not a file format FLAC 24/192. In many respects it is a merit of the tweeter, which transfers the higher components of the spectrum with the utmost naturalness and accuracy. Brass and percussion do not lose their inherent contrast and brightness, there is not even a hint of a veil.

Music overall balance is maintained very strictly - a hallmark of the entire acoustic Wharfedale - but it seemed to me that the upper mid-tinted, and the higher the volume, the more noticeable it is. Perhaps, over time, when the system is fully drawn, color disappear, at least, our measurements did not show the slightest deviation in this area.

Construction of the scene leaves no doubt that the system picked up a pair of identical characteristics. Panorama wide, with a distinct perspective in depth, the apparent source in the background drawn clearly enough.

Attention to detail and accuracy of timbre, combined with the enormous dynamics leave a strong impression.

Wharfedale Jade 7 Floor standing speakers photo