JBL Northridge E100 Floor standing speakers

60, 80, 90, 100 ... The bigger number is the greater sizes and drivers of Northridge series systems are. The granted flagship E-100 is a real present to music lovers, who sadly look at graceful ranges of subtle floor speaker systems. A 120-liters body has three branded heads with two-layered cellulose-polymer PolyPlas diffusers and the tweeter with a dome made of titanium laminate. The sight is immediately arrested by a pair of 250-mm woofers, supported by a front bass-reflex port - that's where the power. In passport a lower crossover frequency is 1 kHz, according to our data - in-phase radiating LF heads work up to 300 Hz. The zone higher 5 kHz is given to the tweeter, radiating in a horn design (Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal Waveguide). Inside the body there is only one (for such big volume) horizontal reinforcing strut. Midrange head is isolated from the total volume by a cap. Double IsoPower facade is very good - made of MDF with the layer of polymer; total thickness of the front panel is 20 mm. All the heads are magneto-shielding. Spikes are rolled in supports; separate connection of bands is provided.

Sound. The quality of reproduction of low frequencies mostly impresses - perhaps, none of the competitors can argue here with JBL. Full middle, excellent dynamics, which allow solving the most difficult musical tasks, are a worthy sequel to rare for such money low notes. Against the background of midrange splendor work of the system with high frequencies seems to be a bit formal. At low and increased volumes the flagship as if masks fine details of timbre ornament. However, this nuance is relevant, perhaps, only at playing of live classical music. E-100 is a good, powerful, really bass system for a wide range of musical tasks.

JBL Northridge E100 Floor standing speakers photo