Magnat Quantum 805 Floor standing speakers

The speaker systems Magnat Quantrum 805 have medium size, distinguish by pleasant exterior with modern patent finish and are literally stuffed with firmed know-how. Three patches of patented construction are involved in 2,5-way configuration. The tweeter F-Max Signature with expanded frequency range voices the top band starting with 3200 Hz. Inch dome has a fabric base, but due to special hardening fiberglass coating it is able to radiate ultrasound up to 60 kHz. A pair of identical 17 cm mid-basses is also made according to the original recipe. Their diffusers are stamped from light aluminum alloy and covered with a layer of ceramic almost completely eliminating harmful resonances.

A low-noise bass reflex Airflex with a major port, inferred to the back, is used as for design.

Magnat Quantum 805 differs by transparent sound with pronounced dynamic potential. In addition to accurate attack the bass register pleases by powerful blow and elaborated structure albeit with some flatness in the bottom octave. The middle and top band are amazingly clear. Voice range stands out by the highest sound resolution and separation of instruments not falling even at high volume. Light sibilants slip sometimes but this feature can be attributed to the slightly increased activity of the tweeter. However, even so, the tweeter of Magnat is outstanding from both sides - details and cleanliness. Sound stage is built perfect. Its genuine three-dimensionality includes sustained by the size and positions images, a clear separation by plans.

Magnat Quantum 805 Floor standing speakers photo