ALR Jordan Entry 3M Floor standing speakers

The creative symbiosis of the British company Jordan and the German Acoustic Laboratory Research, relatively recently formed into the ALR/Jordan association, of course, should be recognized as productive in all respects. The validity of this statement perfectly illustrates the fact of the development of unifying ideological concepts. Thus, the use of conical drivers with metal cones in the loudspeakers of the Entry line is not an exception, but the rule that the company is guided by in the production of all loud-speaking products... winning, albeit unusual (a traditional black version of the lattice is also provided). Judging by the results of listening, one of the best qualities of the system is the ability to create a convincing illusion of presence, naturally transforming into the effect of involvement. The pair harmoniously provided excellent localization of musical instruments, and the quality of spatial characteristics

Characteristics of the image is more than uncommon for systems of the class under study. In general, Entry 3M showed a very balanced sound. The light softness of the sound picture here is in full agreement with the detailed, correct transmission of high-frequency details. True, some coloration was noted in the upper bass. However, the discomfort caused by this coloring manifested itself only on separate things and at fairly high volume levels, which allows us to attribute its (discomfort) reasons to the increased non-linear distortions in the bass. If you do not get carried away by the power that disturbs your neighbors, then the problem is removed. And although the low frequencies did not strike the ear and the diaphragm with infrasonic depths, the authenticity of the image of the musical work, in our opinion, did not suffer at all. The medium frequency region is neutrally depicted, for which, at large signal amplitudes, a little more transparency is desired. Especially Entry turns out to be an interpretation of many modern (and not so) musical styles. The sound on the tracks "Taste it" and "Questions" from INXS seemed dynamic and fully saturated. But at the same time, the delicacy of Entry 3M is extremely appropriate for playing the classics. The system is well suited for use in small spaces. The ability to effectively recreate the stage space makes her very desirable as a front couple in the home theater system.

ALR Jordan Entry 3M Floor standing speakers photo