Denon DCD-735 CD-player

Unlike the other companies, in Denon's range the DCD-735 is only the second. Neveretheless, even the appearance of the device is serious: the transport is placed at the center, there are minimum instruments on the front panel and the device is still very functional as lots of options can be controlled by a remote control. It is very comfortable as a red dot in the corner of display indicates when the device has taken a command. An electronic output RC tuning making it possible to set one of the thirty discrete values, with maximum decrease of a -18 db. Although an independent mechanical output level tuning allows to change level up to turning it off, a signal for this output tunes remotely too.

Programming and DOL are available only with remote control. There is also an accidental launch protection, so you have to turn this mode on by a Direct button. You can't change it after the program bank is filled. There is a programme view mode calling by a CALL button(on remote control) for checking. Indicating is for usual CDs, not for big pirate "romantic mixtapes" as the indicating is only working for 20 tracks or less.

Auto-edit while preparing the tape recording is available only in dividing the tracks to halves mode. This mode also works only for 20 tracks or less.

The concept of the sound itself doesn't exist beyond the time. Supposedly, Denon appeared to be it the right place at the right time. After a series of tests we are not saying this model is way better than other. But a well-defined organ bass gained a valuable attribute - the dimensional clarity (and we do not usually use such terms for low frequences).

Denon DCD-735 CD-player photo