Music Hall reviews![]() Amplifier Music Hall A25.2 The front panel of Music Hall A25.2 amplifier is made of thick milled aluminum and has only the necessary elements: the power button, the recording and input selector, the volume knob and the headphone jack. Also there is the board, indicating the selected input and volume level. The developers say little... ![]() Amplifier Music Hall a70.2 Testing amplifiers, we are rarely confronted with purely analog circuitry - following the trend of the market, most manufacturers equip new models of USB-in and built-in DAC. And what if we do not want to listen to music from your computer or in the system for this already has a separate converter? Music... ![]() CD-player Music Hall CD15.2 Music Hall engineers took several years to create this player. The result of hard work was a massive (almost six kilos of weight) player, performed in classical proportions. The transport mechanism occupies the right side of the case, and to the left there is an LCD-display showing all the current information... ![]() CD-player Music Hall CD35.2 Music Hall CD35.2 player is based on the same chassis as in the famous CD25, but the key parts have been upgraded. First of all, the transport has been updated - now the player has a high-current Blue Tiger loader from the Australian Stream Unlimited. The second significant novelty concerns the digital... |