Music Hall A25.2 AmplifierThe front panel of Music Hall A25.2 amplifier is made of thick milled aluminum and has only the necessary elements: the power button, the recording and input selector, the volume knob and the headphone jack. Also there is the board, indicating the selected input and volume level. The developers say little about the amplifier's circuitry. It is only known that a toroidal transformer is installed in the power supply unit, and a micrometrical PGA 2311 chip from Texas Instruments is responsible for the volume change. There are five linear inputs, one of which is intended to generate a signal for record. There is also a Pre Out output, to which you can connect an additional amplifier or, as the manufacturer recommends, an active subwoofer. The sound of Music Hall A25.2 does not strike with a crushing dynamics and incredible detailing; these qualities here are rather balanced and sufficient. The overall tonal balance seems to be a little shifted towards the mid-range most likely due to the fact that the harmonic resolution in this critical area is very high. The timbres are extremely natural, and the reproduction of vocals can be described as incredibly lively and truthful. The upper register sounds clean and even subtle, but the bass component of energy is lacking. The lower notes are not fully filled, and powerful low-frequency growls are not always subject to control. The sound scene is slightly reduced in size, but has a clear shapes and a clear position of the images in space. ![]() |