Yamaha RX-V396RDS AV-receiver

Yamaha RX-V396RDS receiver is relatively old in accordance with the rules of winged fashion. It doesn't refer to the latest generation of AV-receivers of the company, what is confirmed by the lack of digital sound in DTS format. Nevertheless, take almost complete absence of media with such coding (DVDs in particular) into account. So, what features are here? First and as usual for the models of Yamaha, big number of surround programs (ten modes for movies and three - for music programs). Even traditional Dolby Digital and Pro Logic modes can be extended. All of these is available due to microcircuit of universal processor. And according to this indicator Yamaha has no competitors for a long time. Although, speaking about adjustment, all these modes are slightly straightforward: you can change only level and delay. In addition to pleasant controls of main channels, you can adjust the level of LF-effects, presenting in soundtracks with Dolby Digital, and also decrease dynamical range (two variants) for night watching, when excessive volume level is unwanted. In this receiver there are mechanical controls of volume and timbres. This, perhaps, looks a bit archaically, but allows the developers to easily provide low level of interference. The ease of operation, at the same time, doesn't suffer as volume control is motorized and quickly fit the system of remote control. And, finally, tuner. It has a big number of exclusively handy devices and functions. For example, they are level indicator of received signal and the possibility to shuffle the fixed settings in desirable order. By the way, in the receivers of new generation of analog class the tuner's parameters are worse, although there are more DSP modes. So, Yamaha stalwarts, hurry up to make your choice.

The remote control allows you to control receiver's functions, tape deck and also CD player. But, unfortunately, there is no control of DVD player.

Yamaha RX-V396RDS receiver is traditionally well-staged theatrical voice. It showed for analog sources as well as for digital ones elaboration of details, uniformity and integrity of sound picture without gaps of sound image in dynamics.

Yamaha RX-V396RDS AV-receiver photo