Yamaha RX-V800RDS AV-receiver

Here are impressive number of DSP-processing modes, a lot of processing parameters, visual explanations in the instruction (you will easily understand what I mean, what reverb is and how its adjustments of time, delay and level affect the result; how does the room size and the reflection character from walls affect and so on). You can try it all in life. For example, you can move from concert hall into New-York Bottom Line club. If you wish, we will immediately change its sizes and fullness of sound. If you learn how to use it, home theatre will be an experimental audio workshop. However, RX-V800RDS has only five power amplifiers, so it supports in full only the 4.1 format. Although the exist decoder of 6.1 channel mode (DD Matrix and DTS-ES) can virtually generate a central rear in a "phantom" way. But this information is not reached to the customer in the description. In fact, there few variants: either ignore the received information or sort on the available channels. But someone will hardly lease a channel in order to throw it off. Speaking about the control comfort, RX-V800RDS receiver can be considered as friendly and the placement of controls looks completely rational. Timbre handles (rotary handles, which are becoming rarer among button control) and some common buttons are not hidden behind the tilting lid. Tuner is the example of classical AM/FM receivers from Yamaha with the possibility of edit presets (two any presets in memory can be swapped). A distinctive feature of the tuner of RX-V800RDS is that it provides automatic programming (automatic record of stations into memory) of only RDS stations. The remote control allows you to control nine devices; their choice is made by rotary switch, mounted into the case. In the exist window there is the name of device under control. The remote control can control devices of other brands - you should only enter a corresponding code or "teach" it with a help of other remote. To do this both remote control are placed in such way that they can communicate "eye to eye", push the button on one remote, command is recorded by another and identified code of the device is extracted from it. Training is over and your remote control got the "subordinate" of the other firm.

Yamaha RX-V800RDS AV-receiver photo