CD-player Unison Research Unico CDE

The player Unison Research Unico CDE used trucks TEAC CD5010A, sampling rate converter up to 96 kHz Crystal CS8420 DAC and Crystal CS4392, working with the data to 24-bit/192 kHz. Audio part, as well as other functional parts of the scheme, in accordance with the modular philosophy of the company collected on separate printed circuit boards, which makes it possible to carry out in the future, a simple and fast upgrade. Power transformer 100 V*A, drive and connecting connectors on the rear panel shielded metal covers. The device contains eight independent control circuit supply voltage.

Set of four double triode Tung-Sol 12AX7 (which is twice more than the previous model) is in the output stage is made on the cathode follower circuit with parallel tubes. Since the repeater does not provide voltage gain, to increase the output level (to a maximum of 9 dB), you can use a low-noise operational amplifier installed at the output of the DAC. On the back of the player, there is a switch mode gain Lo/Hi (low/high), which is in position "Hi" implements mixed transistor-tube stage, while in the "Lo" amplification of the signal remains clean tube. The second non-standard possibility - optional on-chip DAC Wolfson Microelectronics WM8740. He also collected on a separate board, easy to install into the housing, and is connected directly through the player menu, without the need of climbing into it.

Luxury front panel, which creates a one-piece design of the device and is its chief ornament, has an unusual and stylish pearl-gray color (excellent surface dressing is obtained by cold forging, used, for example, in jewelry). In a large three-line display shows a lot of different information. The picture from the rear, not so majeure: Unison Research Unico CDE definitely can not boast high-quality switching connectors, plus they are fairly closely. Control - an old friend from UR, gorgeous wood bar with an aluminum plate and black buttons, beads.

We checked out the Unison Research Unico CDE in three modes: installing gain "Hi" built-in DAC and by default, with the gain setting on the "Lo" and built-in DAC, and the third one was different from the previous switching to the optional DAC. The main conclusion that can be drawn from the results of listening in our system, is that the regime "Lo" far preferable - it gives a more subtle, detailed and informative sound compared to some linear mode "Hi", but the level of output in many cases, the signal may thus be sufficient. It appears that the player is explicitly focused on proprietary closed, but a well-matched to the system resistances. With regard to the comparison of the last two options, the situation is rather ambiguous. Both of them are in line with the same sound concept - the delicacy of the attack and the total supply, silky smooth tones with a little matte finish, and a marked predominance of characteristic tone of the noise (exceeding that of the Electrocompaniet ECC-1). With the standard DAC without additional amplification sound timbre more filled with great resolution and bit density and increased pressure. Transition to alternative DAC Wolfson gives a more pointed sound with a little more clearly manifested noise overtones, but the timbre is slightly paler. I may close the first option, providing greater density and intelligibility of the attack.

Unison Research Unico CDE CD-player photo