Mission m35i Floor standing speakers

The British Mission began its journey in 1977, having set itself a super complex task - to dominate in each price segment. For this purpose they had to undertake lots of researches (mainly with materials of diffusers) and already a year later the first in the world speaker system with polymer membrane entered the market. Today we have top model of M-series - m35i.

Attractive externally floor standing speaker systems (well finished with vinyl film) are conceived as universal, equally well applicable in multichannel and stereo complexes.

The appearance of m35i gives hope for a solid and bass sound. Firstly, this is due to the body (the construction of which is extremely simple and reliable) with massive rounded front panel. Such form increases total rigidity and decreases reflections from the front panel. Bass-reflex ports (there are two of the different diameter) are placed to the back and sockets are rounded to decrease whistle from output air streams. Internal wiring is made by the branded cable made of ultrapure oxygen-free copper; the crossover is assembled from high-quality components.

The used drivers are also specific. These are an inch tweeter with the diffuser made of the patented Viotex material with ferromagnetic cooling, two woofers with two-layered membrane with the diameter of 165 mm and mid-woofer of the same size. The latest three heads have cast metallic baskets with the ventilation of sound coil. Terminals are gilt and spring, bi-wiring is provided.

Immediately after turning on it became clear that tonal balance of the speaker systems is slightly shifted down - low-frequency case obviously dominates the others. There is so much bass that it noticeably shades not only the middle, but also part of high frequencies. This has a positive point too - in some cases the help of subwoofer may be not required. Do not increase volume unwisely - at high levels the body starts to play along noticeably. But many competitors will envy the sound pressure, which is created by m35i - they are able to pump a big hall.

Rhythmic pattern is transferred not very clear that is especially noticeable at the playing of difficult phonograms. Generally, I would characterize the sound manner of Mission m35i as emotionally cold and somewhat monotonous. However, we should note obvious advantages: very transparent and airy top, good middle (if bass is not excessive in the recording) and convincing dynamics. These qualities of Mission are out of the competition.

Mission m35i Floor standing speakers photo