Yamaha NS-9502 Floor standing speakers

Under the slogan "Natural sound" Yamaha produces a variety of audio equipment for home. I must say that this is not just a slogan, but a reflection of rich traditions and tremendous experience.

Yamaha NS-9502 loudspeakers are a logical continuation of the popular NS-series and are between the budget models and the top Soavo series.

Despite decent dimensions and weight (one weighs 24 kg), there is no feeling of excessive massiveness. This is mainly due to rounded side panels and elegant supports. However, this design decision did not affect the overall rigidity of the structure. Damping of the body is effective, tapping has shown almost its complete inertness. The finish and build quality is equally impressive.

Yamaha NS-9502 has a horn design for the MF/HF section. Driver diffusers are made according to the patented technology of cellulose. Their diameter is, respectively, 13 and 16 cm. It is also logical to use an inch tweeter with a metal dome. Yamaha engineers have long learned to use all of its advantages (extended frequency range, membrane lightness), while minimizing their own resonances.

Freshly unboxed loudspeakers are not very impressive with their sound. Discants are noticeably poor, the middle is broken down, the bass is lazy and monotonous. A sound stage is out of the question - it is replaced by a certain "sounding veil", which only occasionally hints at the localization of imaginary images.

Imagine our surprise when after a small warm-up (over an hour) everything magically changed, NS-9502 seemed to spread its wings. The sound amazingly became more noble, the timbres became noticeably richer. Resolution in the entire range increased, veil that arrested the middle has disappeared. The attack of low-frequency instruments was transmitted reliably, the lower bass hardened. The upper case erupted and appeared in all its glory. Brushes freed from the sand, the detailing has increased. The main trump card of this Japanese couple became clear: a skillful re-creation of the concert hall atmosphere and the true transmission of the reverberation features of a recording studio room. You just want to listen to music and nothing more.

Yamaha NS-9502 Floor standing speakers photo