Amplifier Marantz PM7001

Marantz PM7001 amplifier has absolutely recognizable appearance. The front panel is made of thick aluminum with rounded corners - corporate identity for many years. Another sign of the art Marantz - the perfect balance in design. Midway front panel is a plate with input indicator that looks like the radio dial around it symmetrically lined aluminum and aluminum stylized controls. A set of buttons, controls, and other elements here is rich enough. And so, that for command control unit may not be required. Located on the facade of the input selector and selector records, adjust the volume, balance and timbre, rubber switch each of the two pairs of speakers and button mode Direct. And for the full symmetry power button, headphone jack and a receiver window IR signal collected in a separate group. As a result, each handle or button on one side is balanced by the same or similar element on the other.

In the depths and did the same, there is complete engineering feng shui. Blocks have a symmetrical amplifier circuit topology that, according to developers, allows to achieve perfect balancing of the stereo image . Also used in the design of branded modules HDAM, designed to keep intact the dynamic structure of the music, its tone and the stereo image. The same objectives are applied to the current feedback amplifier and stable power supply.

Marantz PM7001 sound captivates from the first seconds. Amplifier plays music easily open and crystal clear. Hear the slightest noises, but there is no sense bias in tonal balance and a predominance of high frequencies. In contrast, the top perceived even a little dryly, which, however, in no way affects the sound quality. The only portion of the range where the clarity and discipline lacks is bass. Low Frequency Register served at times slightly relaxed and generalized.

Another amazing point - exceptionally comfortable playing records of all styles. Usually high detail often leads to fatigue, and sometimes even causes serious discomfort, but in the case of the Marantz PM7001 is no such problem. Yet the claim to an amplifier equipped. He takes the musical material, though in sufficient detail and bright, but with a predominance of analytical manner. Since it is impossible to empathize with the music, he puts the listener into a bystander. All musical pictures effectively sweep past, surprising reason and without affecting the soul. However, there are connoisseurs of just such a sound, and for them Marantz PM7001 is a perfect gift.

Marantz PM7001 Integrated Stereo Amplifier, Power output 70 Watts into 8 ohms