Yamaha A-S2000 Amplifier

No wonder that audiophiles, who are interested in stereo sound, are beginning to look for a vintage hi-fi (by the way, it's a fact: the equipment of the past years is rapidly becoming more and more expensive and it is becoming more and more difficult to find it every day). Yamaha promptly responded to this tendency and released an integrated amplifier with SACD-player, which no audiophile with experience will pass by. The first thought at the sight of these components is how well-preserved the equipment is! And only then one realizes that this is a remake, made in the best traditions of twenty-thirty years ago. However, I do not think that you will be disappointed by this fact. Let this product be branded "2008", but it is not a banal imitation of Hi-Fi, but a 100% reincarnation. And at the modern technological level. Developers have tried not just to return us the taste of "that" and clearly set a goal to make uncompromising audio equipment.

For starters, the A-S2000 has a completely balanced circuitry from nose to tail. All parts of the amplifier are based on this principle: the input switch, the timbrebox, the control amplifiers, the terminators and, of course, the power system. Signals from the unbalanced inputs, for example, first go to the differential amplifiers, and then in symmetrical form follow the path. The volume control is digital, but the word "digital" refers only to the control - the signal itself is not converted. In addition, the amplifier is equipped with a trimmer to adjust the volume of the headphone output, the speaker selector and the phono stage for MM and MC heads (the switch is placed on the front panel). Another curious detail - when setting the tone controls in the middle position, the amplifier automatically runs the signal along the shortest path, bypassing the correctors. I was confused only by the frequencies of the bass and treble controls - 350 and 3500 Hz, respectively. Such frequencies are relevant only for a radio receiver.

The A-S2000 is characterized by an open, soft and very generous mid-band reproduction. Sometimes it seems that the amplifier forces this area and is even about to go screaming, but fortunately this does not happen - even at very high levels Yamaha preserves the sonority. The upper bandwidth is completely devoid of sharpness and aggressiveness, though the reproduction is distinguished by luxurious detail. The general idyllic picture is spoiled only by a slightly softened and abundant bass. This amplifier is matched to a monitor or classic floor-standing speakers with fast and large bass drivers will suit this amplifier much better than today's narrow-mesh "towers".

On the merits I will also include the soundstage. Enlarged scale, weighty images, clear localization. The front edge is shifted towards the listener, but it does not creep up, but is put forward just enough to make the background readable. The sources in the background are drawn very finely and in detail, as if they could be seen through real theatrical binoculars. There's also a lot of air. The scene leaves a pleasant feeling.

I was also pleased with the phono stage. The space changes dramatically: the sound moves away, the background goes almost to infinity, the focus of the sources sharpened so that even in our not the most expensive test LP player shows the high end rock. The tonal pattern is slightly distorted and the edges of the range are accentuated, but despite this, the vinyl sounds delicious. There is no desire to switch to listening to the same phono on CD.

The A-S2000 has good dynamics, but the powerful contrasts are somewhat strained. As long as a small musical or vocal composition is played, everything is fine - the clarity is exceptional. But when it comes to the symphonic tutti, the clarity deteriorates, the sounds are about to become mush. Later it turned out that this problem is relevant only for sources connected to unbalanced inputs.

Yamaha A-S2000 Amplifier photo