Yamaha AX-892 Amplifier

The company "Yamaha" changed the design of its audio components by dressing them into titanium armor. The amplifier "AX-892" is one of these recruits, and it stands out for its impressive sizes and weight. But the feeling of heaviness is upset - thanks to successful design of the front panel. And, as usual, there is only minimum of necessary regulations at closed cover: power on, MUTING, switching of acoustics systems, two DIRECT modes, motorized volume and input selector. The whole power of functional equipment is vivid only with open cover. Except simple regulations, there are smooth loudness control, record selector, SUBSONIC filter. It should be mentioned, that small sizes of this hidden handles and their hard ride are quite uncomfortable. Generally, unlike minimalistic concepts of some firms, Yamaha is antipode; it always tries to be a maximalist in its aspirations. If loudness, it is smooth; if DIRECT mode, there are two: PURE DIRECT excludes all circuits of regulations from signal passing way, and CD DIRECT AMP, above all, also excludes input selector. If it is RIAA corrector, it is surely able to work with both MM and MC type heads. Yamaha AX-892 has the possibility for distance control under vinyl recording player with a help of system bus. The remote control, like everywhere, is general for all the system; in the amplifier it has the functions of power on, volume control and switching the inputs. The outputs can't be unnoticeable. Operating principle is similar to screw clamps, but they were improved and the rails don't let the cable get away from the clamp. Above all, inasmuch as traditional two-lane disposition of output terminals is uncomfortable for connecting to the lower lane, multidirectional grip of cables is used in AX-892, which makes cables' connection easier. Good design, amazing equipment and what does the amplifier have inside? The engineers of Yamaha are on the top here too. Supply transformer is although EI-shaped, but is made from high qualitative transformer steel; two filter capacitors, marked by AUDIO, 18000 μF/63V. Such a powerful supply source is need for getting record output power: 330W per channel at the demand of 2 Ohm. By construction the power amplifier is made in the principle of "double mono": two absolutely similar channels with separate radiators, which have four powerful output transistors per each. The best developments of the last time were applied in the scheme. Such important efforts of the engineers also showed amazing result in sound of the device. You can easily feel an incredible harshness of rock concert and the scale of symphonic power. Sound stage of "Pink Floyd" is without subtle gradations in depth of stereo panorama; an array of sound, as a tsunami, is coming at you, straight off you turn the volume control at "ten hours".

Yamaha AX-892 Integrated Stereo Amplifier, Power output 125 Watts into 8 ohms