Audio Pro Stage 66 Floor standing speakersThe construction is made to be good, without undue savings on important points. Housing - hard, solid. In Stage 66 is applied symmetric radiating circuit dAppolito. Unconventionally high frequency section - 4.2 kHz, and crossovers used in "soft" separation filters. Apparently, small, for the stiffness of the membrane impregnated with a special varnish bass/midrange drivers are capable of withstanding the piston mode radiation up to the specified frequency. The results of our measurements are consistent with this hypothesis.
Audio Pro Stage 66 shows a comfortable and seemingly more detached sound. It is well balanced tone, although it is felt that the support is made to the center: flat itself, with very good dynamics dominates the middle of a few bass and modest, dryish highs. Note that in the real living conditions of the balance of forces will be different - the balance of the midrange with low trimmed. Bass - moderate depth at low and medium volume slightly muffled, as if out of focus. The system prefers to play loud - "from the heart". On the right, turn the sound level becomes much more interesting, richer and spectrally and dynamically. Bass "straightens" becomes clear contours. From the depths of the dynamic range of previously raised "shaded" items. Especially spectacular metamorphosis that occurs with low frequency string instruments. Very positive changes are taking place with the image of the stage space. Last perfectly legible in the frontal plane, not so good in depth. At the same time it becomes more noticeable priority medium, although high declare themselves more specifically, that gives the sound hateful "astringency" - pleasant enough to the ear, I must say. Most successfully combined with the flair of a jazz recording. At very high volume levels on the very top there is the accent, the sound becomes harsh tones: When playing vocals, for example, becomes extremely high "activity" consonants.
Despite a slightly cool color, sound, Stage 66 is quite comfortable - certainly there is a lot of fans just such a performing style that is adequate for most modern musical styles. Very good system for organizing musical background friendly parties. A major advantage is its decent headroom. Important advantages are simple tastes and to the size of the listening room - it can be quite small. On the basis of Stage 66 will mighty theatrical front, which only need to find the right center channel speakers. |