CD-player AMC CD6d

In music files - with all their advantages compared to CDs - there is one major drawback: they can not take up, pat, look through the booklet, etc. That is, they do not give the joy of material possession. Good CD is a precious gift, and rip it - no. CD - thing, and file - only information. That is why the wheels will never disappear. Even I must admit, has kept several dozen compact - not to listen, and to enjoy what they've got.

So we have to keep the computer in addition to the source, and even CD-player. And in it - your DAC, unless, of course, play the disc is not being used CD-transport, but it is - exotic, purely because of the high cost. I do not know about you, but I'm painfully aware of, if forced to without having to duplicate sets with common functions. Well, judge for yourself - what is the point to have two DAC average price for the money when you can get a higher grade? And since no CD-player, we can not do, why not use the built-in a digital-to-analog converter to decode PCM-stream from your computer? Technical Obstacles to eat? Yes no! So what's the deal?

It is obvious that the manufacturers of players for the most part extremely conservative and because the computer in the role of transport do not see at close range. However, this does not affect all. The same Cambrige Audio has long been releasing CD-player with digital input, which can be connected and a PC equipped with a corresponding output.

But a well-known supplier of professional equipment AMC went down this path even further - has supplied a CD-player CD6d not only a digital coaxial input, but also the interface USB. By the way, the unit is made in a professional solid. Design austere, but inspiring reverence. Another important feature of this very interesting device - tube output stage operating in class A. In view of the latter that is not a small price seems not so high. And it may be tempting - if the use of electronic vacuum tubes would be beneficial for the sound. Let's be frank: the lamp recently often used not for the sake of musicality, and for marketing and design (beautiful they burn!). Recall, for example, mini-system Philips MCD908, which has a tube pre combined with banal digital amplifier. Speaking of Philips: and lamps, and CD-loader at AMC CD6d - from the venerable brand.

The design of our hero modular. USB interface refers to an article which is indicated in the catalog companies as "MD5501 UP-SAMPLING MODULE" and, obviously, can be found in other models of AMC. To him also applies to the digital coaxial input. The title is clear that without upsampling there has not been. Unfortunately, USB 1.1 is thus 16 bits/48 kHz - is the maximum of what it is able to transmit.

But he did not need to install drivers, though the sound programming interface WASAPI refused to work with him, had to resort to Primary Sound Driver with all the ensuing consequences for the sound.

Played to interface USB, you must select it switch on the front panel. Back to reproduce CDs easier - we just have to pull the USB-cable from the connector - the indicator lights inscription "DVD". From which it can be concluded that the display unit is also uniform and got CD6d from any related DVD-player. Possible, and the loader - from there.

I start listening to the USB-interface and immediately note: the scene is flattened and wide, and deep. Naturally, compared to the reference DAC. And that in addition plays a juicier and more plausible. The culprit is known - Mixer Windows, and work around it by virtue of the implementation of USB does not work.

This assumption was confirmed when loaded into the drive, the player the same program on the CD - the scene unfolded in breadth, though the depth yet still inferior to reference design. In general, experience has improved, especially pleased with the combination of soft and at the same time the details in detail. Perhaps it is this is a credit to the lamp output. But to cope with the fact that going to the player via USB, he was clearly powerless.

On the drive Claire Martin CD6d played point at DAC Markan - at last there is a slight "veil" on high, at AMC player picture was absolutely clear as mountain air. But not all so simple. Reference DAC gave a more complete experience, it does not get hung up on the details and better conveyed the essence of music. A different pattern was observed on the disc The Dead Weather - Markan interpretation could hear some of the instruments were recorded through a microphone and are not subjected to severe treatment, and which are synthesized, "direct" sound distinctly separated in space from the reverb "tail". AMC CD6d was not so picky, and the entire record as a whole sounded quite artificial. Maybe he needs a longer warm-up and the "development" - a few hours spent in my system, it was not enough.

AMC CD6d CD-player photo