AMC 306d AmplifierTraditionally for this brand the amplifier is strict in appearance and does not stand out with impressive dimensions. The output power is also not too high, only 30 watts per channel, but it does not depend on the load. In addition, AMC 306d amplifier has high-current output stages. It is equipped with five line inputs and one Phono for the MM and MC pickups. Headphone jack is present. It is possible to use AMC as a pre-amplifier or power amplifier through removing the standard jumper on the rear panel. The remote control is also modest - having a considerable size there are only six buttons on it, the choice of source and volume control. The amplifier fits into our test system very well, giving it a very focused and transparent sound. It demonstrated excellent acoustics' control and truly filigree work with the lower part of the range. The sound of AMC 306d combines seemingly incompatible qualities - a destructive dynamics and delicacy, and the latter does not prevent the bass parts from being clear and collected. The middle range was distinguished by high energy and enviable plasticity, without the slightest hint of sharpness or loudness. Microdynamic capabilities of this amplifier are not less impressive. Excessive attention to detailing is not peculiar to it, but at the same time all the significant nuances of the recording are clearly visible. The upper range is perceived to be pure, but sometimes coarse. However, the interpretation of complex phonograms does not move far away from truth. The scene seemed truthful, but with slightly clouded images of the second plan. However, this can be seen in the system of only very high class. ![]() |