Visonik Concept 5 Floor standing speakers

Little-known to a wide range of music lovers Visonik from Berlin in the middle seventies surprised even the professionals by releasing miniature, but by sound quality meeting the strict studio standards, David monitors. In our test we will examine much more modern model - floor standing Concept 5 of classical, bass-reflex construction with the output on a rear panel and the bodies, finished with unusual veneer.

The main feature of these systems with powerful rounded front panel is hidden in the phrase "Dispertion Optimizing System". All the emitters are installed on a separate platform in such way that the axes of Visodym tweeter (the caliber is 28 mm, soft spherical dome, neodymium magnet) and axes of 140-mm low-, mi-frequency drivers with phase-equalizing "bullet" and the diffuser made of carbon fiber cross at the specified target point.

I expected to get from Visonic Concept 5 with their "optimized directivity" an unusual stage, but these systems surprised by absolutely different thing. First, by dynamics. There is everything - drive, speed and rhythm. Second, by bass. To be honest, I was amazed by the power of a pair of small-caliber drivers. You can catch typical distortions of repulse only at the signals that require very large stroke of diffusers, but all other instruments with low spectrum are played very accurately.

Now, let me talk about what we liked less. The middle is colored and this is clear by slightly distorted timbres of singers' voices, which you had already memorized by heart. I can't call the transfer of the upper range accurate. Discants are embellished with "silk" overtones, dynamics is good, but the sound needs a little bit more clarity and transparency.

Visonik Concept 5 Floor standing speakers photo