Cassette deck Marantz SD555

Appearance of this deck several contradictory. On the one hand, traditional design SD555, without decor (except, of course, the gold brand logo), and on the other - with a clear desire for embellishment (the form of buttons and other external elements). When you work a whole image slightly spoils too sharp green display. Ergonomics of the device worked well, user-friendly controls, well-configured by the display. Inside, like the majority of vehicles in our test, the wind howled. Spacious board and two single-engine pulling unpretentious.

Opportunity SD555 one of middling team, albeit with a few more rich set of functionality than the other devices in this group. There are separate counters for each broach, a typical set denoisers Dolby B and C, the dynamic magnetization HX-Pro, manual adjustment bias current search fragments pauses, three variants reverse playback, phone amplifier without level control, input Synchro CD receiver for IR control. As an extension of the minimum set of functions available MPX filter and timer recording/playback. Modes of operation and selectable squelch option Dolby switched manual switch. Control the selected position of both can only position "button" switch, which is quite inconvenient, since they have small tumblers and fine graphics, and display these modes are not recognized. But the level indicator, retaining the stretched scale has a memory peak. It seems a trifle, but nice.

Frequency response is flat, without failure in the mids, signal/noise ratio for better decibels. Apparently, these differences are due to more rigorous regulation tract particular instance, that in itself pleases. Listening as confirmed former opinion about the similarities, as catch the ear difference of 1 dB is almost impossible. On the record without squelch noise is excessive, including Dolby In situation although improving, but not dramatically. Even with Dolby C noise is still very noticeable. While on the other hand, if you use the Marantz SD555 for training tapes, for example, for car, with high noise levels can easily accept, especially given the good frequency characteristics. High-frequency components of the spectrum recorded without noticeable loss - even a second copy (of course, recorded at normal speed) retains a pleasant tonal balance, although the effects of snake on the bottoms still remain - bass sometimes sound too soft. A copy made at high speed, teir high frequency components of the spectrum, to a certain extent can compensate for manual correction bias current. Incidentally, the range of this correction is selected quite carefully, so as a result the risk of spoiling a record by mistake knocking adjustment is small Unfortunately, the coefficient of detonation was the lowest of the whole company, and the gap between leaders exceeded twice.

Marantz SD555 Cassette deck photo