AVM Evolution A2 Amplifier

Founded in 1986, the tiny company Audio Video MesseTechnik GmbH started out as a custom development company with automotive players for Becker and amplifiers for ELAC active speakers. But pretty soon it switched to the production of its own electronics. Already in 1989 the company releases under its brand the first amplifiers, in 1993 shows players and DACs, and in the late 90's creates a number of unique components based on new and unusual technologies. AVM retains its advanced spirit to this day. Just look at its A2 integrated amplifier from the Evolution line.

The unit is built with exceptional quality, has a thoroughly ventilated case and is equipped with three toroidal power transformers. The amplifier has an electronic selector for six sources, an output from the preamplifier section and a breakout for including a sound processor in the system. Optionally, the Evolution A2 can be upgraded with a parametric equalizer, tone compensation and bass boost. The output part, coupled with a buffer filter capacity 40000 uF, remarkable ability to work steadily even with very heavy loads (to the amplifier can connect to the speaker with an impedance of only 1 ohm!) But even more amazing is the audio bandwidth: from 3/10ths of a hertz to half of a megahertz!

Sometimes the characteristics declared by the manufacturer cause legitimate doubts and require checking. But AVM is not that case. The leading developers (and founders) of this company - G?nther Mania and Robert Winiarski - are known not only as talented audio engineers. They served as experts in the Hi-Fi-Stereophonie laboratory and they know all about measurement technology like the back of their hand.

Although the Evolution A2 looks Germanically brutal, its sound is described by completely opposite definitions. The sound is absolutely neutral, tonally rich and devoid of contrived gloss, which sometimes inexperienced audiophiles so willingly buy. The amplifier shows excellent spatial qualities - the focusing and echeloning are in full order. The scene has a very impressive scale, images in the panorama do not seem flat or superficial - they are corporeal and clearly positioned.

Nevertheless, the main qualities of the German amplifier I would refer to the naturalness of timbres transfer and emotional neutrality, bordering on self-indifference. There is no hint of hardware tweaking in the sound. The bass in general is exemplary - strong, well-damped and properly assembled. The device expressively conveys the infralow component, is very dynamic in the upper bass register. The middle part captivates with its timbral richness and comfort. In the area where the ear is most sensitive - at the transition from MF to HF - it demonstrates crystal clarity. And the higher components are reproduced without aggression, with subtle and sonorous detail. I would like to add that I had the same experience with the Mark Levinson amplifiers, but it was long ago, and at that time they were terribly expensive.

If you are looking for an amplifier to work with electrostatic loudspeakers, there is no better unit (and for such a money, too) - the highest neutrality and stability at low-impedance load will be very useful. But I'm afraid that an integrated amplifier can not unlock all of its musical potential with conventional dynamic speakers. The fact is that its sound is not spoiled with temperament - it is more relief and static than other devices. And if the speakers turn out to be too "slow" or "dull", the risk to get slow-moving, focused only on details sound increases many times.

AVM Evolution A2 Amplifier photo