Rotel RCD-06SE CD-player

The SE version is quite different from the basic RCD-06. The novelty uses the modern Wolfson WM8740 converter, which replaced the Burr-Brown chip, and many circuit solutions are borrowed from the 15th series. The trace of printed circuit boards is completely symmetrical with the shortest possible signal paths, and the power supply now uses four independent sources serving individual parts of the device. The specialized metal film resistors and capacitors of audiophile level are used in the analog output stages. The transport mechanism has also been upgraded - an improved servo system has been developed, which allows more accurate reading of information from disks. This is still a "clean" CD player, and it does not support any compressed formats. The digital output of RCD-06SE is only coaxial, which is considered by many experts to be the most suitable for high-quality transfer of digital audio from CD.

When describing the sound of RCD-06SE, it should be firstly noted the excellent dynamic qualities. Absolutely any musical genres performed by Rotel receive an adequate embodiment with the proper scale and pressure.

Articulation is truly exemplary in almost the entire range, but slightly reduced near the lower limit of reproduction. The microdynamics of the middle is very good, and as for sound resolution in this band we can call it just excellent. The upper frequencies are extremely natural and devoid of digital "sand", even the most airy components are not hidden. The scene is very stable with the correct positioning of sources throughout the area.

Rotel RCD-06SE CD-player photo