CD-player Onkyo C-1VL

Not need to be a great expert in Hi-Fi, to the player Onkyo C-1VL recognize typical Japanese. So make the technique only in the Land of the Rising Sun: profile polished bezel, information display, control buttons machined, nickel-plated cap even in non-standard screws. The device is equipped with a remote control, which is clearly not overloaded functions. But with the player and you will get a cool interconnects Onkyo High Grade Audio Cable.

Their "cockroaches" and design. C-1VL equipped with three digital outputs (optical two) that can be disabled from the front panel, so they are not allowed to pickup by the analog section. Used to convert two-channel high DAC Wolfson WM8740 (incidentally, in the built- in digital filter, this chip also has two modes of filtration, but no selectors in Marantz CD-17mkIII, not provided - Onkyo engineers have already made the choice for you), and the signal to it comes to the "direct digital bus". Linear output stages are built on low-noise operational amplifiers Philips NE5532. All other items - are already familiar to us on other players in the test. And the drive and the read head in transport - production of Sony. Power, as usual, ghosting, transformer - general.

Brave guys work, I tell you, in the Onkyo. C-1VL has noticeable by ear abnormalities in the AFC, and to put it simply - brings down the treble. Guess what mode digital filtering they chose to get silky and soulful "signature" sound Onkyo. Ringing treble muffled and noisy components weakened - and this despite the fact that at higher frequencies can be heard many details, a lot of air! In the middle of no hint of aggression. Bourdon passed so accurately that his decomposed into components. Soundstage closer, but clearly focused. Of course, C-1VL not belong to the exact number of players, but his musical charm is definitely there.

Onkyo C-1VL CD-player photo