Preamplifier reviews

Audiolab 8000C Preamplifier

The 8000C preamplifier precisely matches in size, style and quality of construction its stable mate the 8000P; like it too, discrete transistor amplifier stages are employed throughout; integrated circuits have been eschewed. Although all the components, with the exception of a toroidal power transformer...
Creek OBH-22 Preamplifier

The passive OBH-22 is relatively tiny, measuring a mere 150x100x66mm and weighing 610 grams. This polished alloy fronted, extruded aluminium box contains a 27mm Alps Blue Velvet motorised potentiometer alongside two gold plated relays for source switching and a muting relay that shorts the signal to...
CYRUS PRE-XP/PSX-R Preamplifier

The Pre-XP and PSX-R power supply are both housed in compact magnesium casework, diecast by Husquevana of Norway and measuring 73x215x360mm. The preamp weighs 4kg and the PSXR is 6kg. This power supply contains a 300VA toroidal transformer with 30,000 microfarad slotted foil reservoir capacitors. Plugged...
Electrocompaniet EC 4.7 Preamplifier

Established in Norway in 1973, Electrocompaniet make a wide range of premium electronics, and the EC4.7 preamp sits in the middle. It's a line level-only device offering six inputs, one of which can be in balanced XLR form. This is a big unit, measuring 483x410x115mm and weighing 8kg. The fascia is thick...
Forte F44 Preamplifier

The Forte F44 is a basic stereo preamplifier combining sophisticated circuit design with exceptional ease and convenience of operation. A true product of audio's digital era, it has six sets of line-level inputs but no phono jacks, though it does provide for such addons as an outboard phono preamp. Operating...
Icon Audio LA4 MkII Preamplifier

Leicester based Icon Audio have established a reputation for making affordable valve amplifiers for the past decade. The first LA4 introduced some five years ago was a solidly made all triode circuit design that includes valve rectification, using a Western Electric designed 274B, and the 6SN7 double...
Klyne SK-5A Preamplifier

Klyne Audio Arts' SK-5 preamplifier has been in production since about 1984. The latest version, the SK-5A, is of the minimal-frills school, having no tone controls and a minimum of inputs and tape recorder connections. The SK-5A's outputs are unusual. Each channel has two output jacks of opposite polarity...
Linn Wakonda Preamplifier

Linn Products, Limited, of Glasgow, Scotland, is unique among consumer audio manufacturers in several ways. Perhaps its most obvious distinction, though hardly the most important, is in the nomenclature of its products. The name of virtually every Linn component contains at least one letter "K" (in a...
McIntosh C2200 Preamplifier

I have nearly 40 years of experience with McIntosh products, and it is hard to think of any manufacturer that has delivered such consistently high performance over so long a period. The McIntosh C2200 tube preamp is no exception. It looks like high-end gear, it sounds like high-end gear, and it is beautifully...
NuForce P-8 Preamplifier

There's a school of thought that the hi-fi industry is going the way of the dodo, heading down a path of impending doom. Its advocates cite the exit of major manufacturers such as Sony from the separates hi-fi scene, viewing it as 'the writing on the wall' for the way hi-fi is headed... Not everyone...
Quad 34 Preamplifier

The Quad 34 has four inputs, Radio, Disc, Auxiliary and Tape and they are selected by a vertical row of push-switches at the extreme left of the diecast metal panel; each has an associated green LED which remains alight after the input has been selected. Silent solid-state switches are used and, as there...
Rotel RC-1070 Preamplifier

In terms of the design equipment Rotel looks traditional and pre RC-1070 is no exception - this silver front panel, framed by dark metal handles, we met and CD/DVD-player, and integrated amplifiers are. Located on the facade of the infrared receiver, 6.3 mm jack for headphones, a power button and a volume...
Yamaha C-70 Preamplifier

The C-70 uses solenoid/relay switching with gold contact surfaces to minimize noise and keep the actual signal switches in the circuits to which they pertain. (Conventional mechanical switching requires that all signals be routed to the front panel and back again.) There are both inverting and noninverting...