Lexicon GX-7 Amplifier

People first heard about Lexicon in 1971 and nowadays it is a world-famous division of the manufactures of professional electronics and audio equipment for home cinema, forming part of Harman Specialty Group. A seven-channel amplifier with model number of GX-7 is submitted to our approval today. The front panel seems to be fragile and delicate due to careful finish, but in fact this is a big plate of aluminum. And here is a tiny black button: a red beam burns in standby mode, a blue - in operation mode. "Fine point", you say, but it is very pleasant. The rear side is very austere - only seven RCA connectors, but they are massive and gilt, and seven pairs of decent screw terminals for speaker cables (also with the addition of filthy lucre). What is inside? There is a huge toroidal transformer which gives two cores per each of seven separate power supply units. Plus the battery of capacitors - 7 x 15 000 uF. This provides almost noiseless work of the device and high output power characteristics. A convector cooling scheme is used in Lexicon GX-7. The amplifier will be saved from any troubles by a reliable and effective protection, whether it is overheating, too low input impedance or short circuit

Knowing about the familiar belonging of the brand (the best AV processors) we reverently and with interest begin to test. Unit switching is the simplest - only five channels are involved. We are listening to standard material fully. Blames to the behavior in movie are not found. A confident, powerful, accurate and dynamic amplification of any fragments in different styles, the neatest transfer of all the smallest nuances, high degree of realism are evident here. The amplifier works perfect - this is the unanimous opinion of the jury's members. We like a delicate playing music from soundtracks and in concert (clip) programs. But in stereo we find a surprise. In fact, the cinenik has extraordinary musical talents. On the one hand, the sound is bright and cheery (the snobs will find it an extravagance) and at the same time it is natural and pleasant. It is impossible to get tired of this. It transfers any "energetic" styles very well and has a necessary softness and charm in the performance of jazz songs or classics. Lexicon GX-7 in the role of a power amplifier for stereo (on the point of two "extra" channels) can be recommended to the most critical audiophiles.

While the transportation of the device you can use two handles which are at the rear of the body and are designed for easy installation into a rack. Take care of your case - it is very easily soiled, especially the faceplate; however, any solvent are excluded. On the back wall there is the mains switch and the button on the front panel turns out of standby mode. This model is not equipped with trigger control so everything is very simple. Do not place anything on the top, we also do not recommend you to put the amplifier on carpeting - the vents must be open. If you purchase an AV-processor by Lexicon to your amplifier, you won't regret.

Lexicon GX-7 Amplifier photo