JVC FX-572R Tuner

Beautiful black tuner, designed in a simple style. Government, that is quite a lot of buttons, but their function is clear and obvious enough. The inscription is a strict type, paint with a golden sheen that gives the impression of wealth and high cost.

On the left and on the bottom row are large rectangular button switch control system RDS, band switching. Above - small round button on the right memory management and ten preset keys on the left. Immediately struck by the large round knob on the right side of the front panel, but it is worth it to try to twist, as it becomes clear that the "smooth" setting is not present, and the handle is like a switch with a fairly small step and a soft catch. It operates in an original and do not say anything, it is convenient. Rotate it by one notch to the left or right hand configuration, and includes rebuilds tuner one step, and if it sharply krutnut several steps up, automatic station search, and "runs" as long as there is no signal is received for the next station. It's not bad, but always afraid when turning the knob rapidly not rush to signal the nearby station. But fears were groundless, when turning the knob rapidly frequency simply does not have time to "escape" away.

Pretty big blue dot matrix display "draws" large numbers and letters frequency, station name and preset number. Smaller and saturated red light auxiliary labels. You can preset not only the frequency of 40 stations (regardless of range), but also their names, invented by listeners up to 8 letters each. When a station equipped with a system RDS, its name appears on-air. In general, the tuner allows the listener to choose the most desired display mode, switching it in the following order: frequency, station name, current time, radio text, type of program. If an RDS decoder has not had time to "read" all the data being transmitted, appears WAITING. There are auto programming, allows you to automatically store the frequencies of all the receivable stations, as well as the channel scan memory. RDS allows, in addition to the identification of the station name and program type, and even automatically search for RDS-station with the desired program type. For this purpose, you can "look through" with the rotary knob a list of 17 types of programs and select the one you want. In the expansion of RDS (EON), you can even set the desired standby transmission, however, the choice is limited to only three types of programs: traffic announcements, news and information.

When combined with the tuner JVC FX-572R amplifier and other devices into a single radio system can render useful service connectors and cable Wipe Link, you can control all the radio complex from a single remote control. Of course, amplifiers, CD players and cassette decks at the same time must also be from the company JVC.

Tuner settings were pretty good, sensitive, though not a record, but for the home environment is acceptable, the selectivity is also good. Listening to the tuner showed that reception on the VHF is not bad, but "travel" over the air, it is impossible, because the sound delay after each jump frequency is significant, and progress is slow. Red print fine tuning indicator on the display turns on too slowly, as if thoughtfully. Known as or memorized stations are received without any problems.

Price: $195
JVC FX-572R Tuner photo