Jamo 407a Bookshelf speakersThe model 407a presents 07 series, being produced by one of the largest European manufacturers of speaker systems - Danish company JAMO. Apparently, 07 is one of the successful series, the ideology of which is oriented to a demanding listener. The results of test listening speak well for the justifiability of the three-way decision of the design of small-sized loudspeaker. First of all we will characterize the effect caused by the rise of sensitivity in the area of the upper octave. It is a wonderful fact that while the listening the feeling of imbalance, formally determined by the value of 1.9 db, doesn't appear. When you focus on high-frequency aspect of sound, you sign a good resolution, high accuracy of details' transfer, airy, openness of the image. The feeling of brightness doesn't run contrary to the views about the quality, associated with live sound. But, as the phrase goes, there is something in it. This something "bobs up" at playing of concert records of big symphonic orchestras and is perceived as the appearance of slight as if "vinyl" noise, being lifted from the bottom of dynamic range. We are not talking about the defects of recordings now (which, of course, can also be underlined), but about the allocation of the most high-frequency details, typical for such instruments as, for example, violin. By a long stretch of the imagination you can talk about allocation of hissing sounds in vocal parts. But fewness of musical programs, on which this effect is noticeable, and little importance allow us to refer it to the category of nuances. Paying so much attention to details, thus we shade the fact of high quality of sound in general. The MIDs are really good. Even at high (moderately) volume levels dynamic range of the system allows the majority of music instruments, including horns, to prove out. The system is able to revive the space and convince a listener in his involvement into music, what is an integral advantage for the act of the real presence in concert hall. Analyzing our own impressions about JAMO 407a in order to determine its ecological niche, we conclude that some imbalance in the sound doesn't interfere to recommend the system for the listening to classics, at least chamber. Add that the lack of bass depth will be less noticeable in small volumes. |