Amplifier Vincent SV-238

Vincent - young by the standards of the industry the company, it was founded in 1995. All this time, her products are constantly being improved. And if less politically correct, specialists gained experience in and out at that level, which is called audiophile. Because some amplifiers, which were issued under the name Vincent still some five years ago, and modern SV-238 - it's like they say in Odessa, two big differences. Structure of the aircraft with a massive heatsink fins on the sides and a huge toroidal transformer in the center could be called a classic, if not for the electronic control of input selector and volume. Information about the current status is displayed on a huge screen - do not have to stare! At the same time, switching on and off is done the old fashioned way, that is, a mechanical button. As to the level of 60 W unit operates in pure class A, heats it just horrible, and for normal operation it needs space around, especially on top. Therefore, to put something on the amplifier can not: protection against overheating starts always turn off the power, and the player who will stand over him, can and does go wrong. In the arsenal of the switching model presents all the necessary ports, including a balanced input and balanced output from the preamplifier. However, Vincent SV-238 would be more interesting is how Assistant, but the corresponding input developers have not provided.

It should be noted that their full potential power begins at least an hour after the - after the warm-up. Therefore it is better to remember about him before listening, otherwise it may cause confusion due to a lack of collected sound. But it is assembled! And it is very neutral: in stereo Vincent SV-238 is almost inaudible, as it does not explicitly brings gag. Scold apparatus can perhaps only imperfectly articulated bass, more precisely, its lowest octave. Mode of operation in Class A provides welcome warmth of sound, which is extremely beneficial effect on the perception of any sound of music - from classical symphonic and chamber music to jazz and solo acoustic guitar. Frankly, serious claims to this component as I was not, and no. Yes, much more expensive Hegel H200 show as a whole richer and emotional impact, but I can not say that Vincent SV-238 is worse. He just relaxed and at the same time in most situations not falter even in strong dynamic bursts, while retaining control and intelligibility. Only the most aggressive styles of contemporary music are they misunderstood, but it's as if the graduate Conservatory force recite rap.

Vincent SV-238 Amplifier photo