Amplifier Octave V40 SE

Octave V40 SE can work with different sets of output tubes in the high and low bias current (diodes with Trimmer on a large screen when you turn on the device shows the corresponding color or the sufficiency of the smallness of the offset - in the manual provides a detailed table). Small displacement should put separately for each lamp with the supplied screwdriver to the model (for classical pentodes with an average output power: 6L6, KT66, EL34, KT77, and others.). High current output stage to rely on lamps type 6550, KT88, 90, 100 (in our unit are four Russian 6550WE production Sovtek). Adjustment of the current value to an accuracy of 0.3%. Later settings are maintained and monitored automatically. One lamp ECC83 (12AX7) and one 6922 (ECC88) implement pre-amplification stages. Lamps are covered by a removable metal casing, the preamp is made for a separate compartment. Octave V40 SE is equipped with protective circuits for monitoring food and soft start.

The rear panel of all-aluminum body has a sufficient amount of switching jacks, including input and output through channel preamp, complete with toggle switch off the output stages, so as not to consume additional output tubes. This toggle switch has three positions curious one described above, and the other two (Eco off/on) run an eco-friendly mode of operation of the machine. When activated, Octave V40 SE goes into sleep mode when within 9 minutes it is not supplied with an input. Switching organized on fairly simple and not too long connectors RCA, tightly set and signed the bottom in small print. Two pairs of speaker terminals for bivayringa from the amplifier - universal, designed for any load. Thanks to the scheme used the manufacturer claims the range of optimum resistance speakers from 3 to 16 ohms, with an acceptable minimum 2 ohms. To improve control over the speakers with low impedance can use proprietary external power capacitors Octave Black Box or Super Black Box (different total capacity). Included is a remote control - aluminum and surprisingly weighty, it only controls the volume.

German unit showed a strong and confident voice compared to AudioValve. In general, his writing (with the available set of output tubes, I once again will turn to this important moment of attention) rightly described as a "middle way" between these two amplifiers. Confidence in the supply can be regarded as a basic property of the sound, this also applies to the emission of the nuances of similar tones, and drawing the small rhythmic figures, and the separation of melodic lines of instruments in the orchestra. Bass, however, not in the style of the transistor, and a soft and tube, with a decent density and volume, but without viscosity. RF texture is very good, their length too happy. To achieve the full ideal amplifier would not hurt to add a bit of sophistication and intelligence in demand in a number of classic recordings. As for the hard genres, here Octave V40 SE made unexpectedly soft. Dense, rich, quite informative - but without the elastic drive, though, and very comfortable; a kind of rock for fans of relaxation.

Octave V40 SE Amplifier photo