Amplifier Ayon Triton III

This heavy integrated amplifier created, it seems, in defiance of the skeptics who believe that tube amplifiers without environmental protection are not compatible with a complex load. "Triton" third generation, like its predecessor, is also able to control the most obstinate acoustics. In addition, 100 W power amplifiers - his "instrument" caliber - differ more rare and rate of fire.

Tube audiophile high power amplifiers are usually very bulky, thick and are sometimes quite insane money. And the more attractive on their background looks Austrian development Ayon Triton, which is a integrated amplifier with full functionality in a very good quality and stylish aluminum housing dimensions only slightly exceeding the standard Hi-Fi component. It is equipped with a mechanical selector on the four line and one direct input. Has access to the preliminary section. Provided with remote control volume through a small metal panel. Has a system of cells, starting with preliminary heating lamps and automatic setting of the optimum bias. Finally, built on the components selected quality: audiophile resistors, film capacitors, ceramic sockets for lamps with beryllium contacts and so on. With such a device will not be a hassle: questions to put, how to connect, how to tune and listen without getting up from the couch, fall off by themselves. Not by chance the previous generation model enjoyed good demand. Even if you do not get to the heart of content stovattny Triton output stages on the powerful Russian pentode looked favorable and the acquisition of the right under the heaviest outdoor speakers.

Recently presented the third version integrated amplifier Triton different selector functions. Instead of a linear set balanced input - now on the rear panel there are a couple of nests XLR. In the driver stage instead of finger dual triode 12AU7 Austrians used much more rare pentode 6J8 in metal housings. In triode mode, these lamps provide meager distortion at high amplitudes of the signal and are able to pump large containers. A parallel circuit of the output tubes is important. Accordingly, the circuit design has been modified and optimized PCB trace. In this regard, Ayon squeamish as anyone - when they talk about "Ultra short signal path", it is not just a declaration of one of the tenets of high-end, but a statement of fact: the signal path in the path already shorter nowhere.

The rest of the power retained all of its design features. Push-pull with a pair of KT88 okonechniki in each arm work in class A and can be switched from the pentode triode mode. Output power at the same time decreases by about 40%, but the frequency range is extended and improved damping acoustics. The input stages are built on a pair of 12AU7. Nowhere in the path is not used feedback, including and general, and for the pentode amplifier is a courageous decision. Acoustic terminals with separate connecting 4 or 8 ohm loads lead to different windings output transformers enclosed in huge pots polished screens and in addition filled anti-vibration compound. Saved and double grounding scheme, which is controlled by a toggle switch on the rear panel, there is a phase indicator and power. Although it is believed that a powerful push-pull amplifiers are less susceptible to such "trifles" Ayon in these moments do not disregard. "Power plants", by the way, in the Triton is implemented on two separate transformers, high-speed rectifier and choke.

Recently I have had to deal with one of the monsters Ayon - single-cycle Mercury II and remember how long he was a member of the operating mode. Therefore, after the installation of all 14 tubes (each numbered base, and do not try to swap them - all work in pairs and are selected in the parameters), just quietly included Triton and left it "warm up" for the weekend, firmly deciding not to start listening to Monday. But on Sunday night could not resist - a special trip to the office, hooked a good source, turned the volume knob to the middle position and ...

This is real action! So expressive and realistic dynamics of the drums I have not heard. Clarity is incredible. Bang sticks directly into the brain, triangles ring in space so natural that they are looking for the eyes and plucked instruments literally come to life, because all the nuances of sound can be heard, read all the tricks of the game musician. There is no need to adjust the volume for the greater boldness, although Triton allows you to do this easily. Does not clamped, fast, dynamic playback preserved at moderate levels, and even the little ones. At high volume, in contrast, starts to appear "dirt" from the network - some noises, barely noticeable background itching. And at a maximum, I do not dare go out. Have not heard from the amplifier clipping, chose to spare editorial acoustics.

Musical balance is somewhat less impressed. In the bar at the top Triton III captured light aggression, but not the transistor, and a very different properties - on the background of noise and air component as a particularly bright erupt all metal trebles. And the middle stripe is not too neutral - power tends to reproduce voices and instruments a little brighter than they really are. Claims were to lowercase. He just lacks fundamental. Hogshead passed several lightly, though due to "imprinter" effect takes place. So Triton III has not lost the ability to control the train load. Relief "long" very clear bass collected. Each lowest note is not only voice, but also attack, strength, tight slim reverberation.

After hurricane pentode mode, which, however, does not spoil the refinement of sound, at first triode is not perceived. After the transfer of the selectors to the "T" drops significantly gain here and it seems that the sound loses all power, the middle - the beauty of the voice, and the top - a luxuriously-martial ringing. But force yourself to listen to this unusual picture or just wait five minutes, when hearing adapts itself to the new reality. Only then can we draw conclusions.

In triode Triton III is no less dynamic, but it is much more solid and cleaner - listen to any symphonic tutti, and all at once it becomes clear. Now he handled carefully and timbres aligned tonal balance. In the bass comes through "infrastructure" out some aggression out of the middle, upper case is relaxed and is complemented by the finest details.

In addition to these properties in Triton III there is one thing - a monumental and clear RECOGNITION (in triode mode, especially). Space is not bulging forward, not contracted to the speakers, and focuses precisely along their lines, going beyond the stereo. In this case, the virtual sources do not seem to be any small or large. Panorama turns the scale, large, with good separation of the first and second planes. Removed all beyond praise.

Even my eight year old son, listening to the sound of "big tube" power, he immediately said that it reminded him of a movie theater 3D. And I even have nothing to add to what was said. On it and you can actually "see" the music.

Ayon Triton III Amplifier photo