Amplifier Quad Elite QSP

Quad - not just a company, and one of the indisputable authority of the audio industry for many years sets the standard sound on the basis of their own, sometimes unique solutions. Its founder, Peter J. Walker, was a person so extraordinary that it could not but affect its development. And ideas were so advanced that are relevant to this day.

However, if we talk about amplifiers, their non-standard circuitry explained by purely rational reasons. The fact that the most iconic product considered Quad ESLs ESL63. They have become a real breakthrough in the field of electro-acoustics, but had one feature - because of rising input transformer of impedance in the frequency range varied from 2 to 33 ohms. For teamwork needed amplifier capable of coping with such a volatile and reactive load to boot. And a solution was found - in the tube monoblocks QUAD II Walker suffered output transformers from the anode to the cathode tetrode powerful and tied their cross-feedback. This dramatically reduced the output impedance of the amplifier, and a deep NFB has made it a little depending on the frequency. That's why a bunch of ESL63 with power amplifier on KT66 has become a real classic of the genre, a symbol of British Hi-Fi. And by the way, is very much appreciated by modern vintage lovers.

Came the transistor era, electrostatic is no longer available, but the task of creating an amplifier capable of working with difficult acoustics, remained could not be more urgent. In 1968 appears the first Solid State model - Quad 33, and in 1976, perhaps the most controversial in the history of design audio - amplifier Quad 405. In it for the first time applied the principle of Current Dumping, but due to the low quality semiconductors that time, in particular the input of the operational amplifier LM301, to realize all advantages idea Walker failed. Nevertheless, it was so promising that it was picked up and started using other manufacturers. If you go to an English-language e-bay and in the section of consumer electronics request Quad-405 DIY Kit, will surely get a dozen proposals for self-assembly kits for this amplifier. Innovation is clearly ahead of its time, and to realize it in the gland properly managed only in later models - 606 and 909.

The main difference from the previous Elite QSP implementations Current Dumping - to use the element base audiophile grade and increased power output. Modern transistors capable of operating at significantly higher voltages with no risk to the reliability of the machine. Result - 140 watts each into 8-ohm load when distortion less than 0.01%. Despite such impressive potential, the amplifier is in the format of "midi" with a width of 328 mm front panel, as well as other components of the series Elite. Housing elements skillfully cast in aluminum, with all the technological and decorative items. In the center of the front panel of a button Standby, but the rear is filled with pretty tight - it switch network, speaker terminals, stereo to RCA, reset button protection and two multipin connector AMPBUS. For this proprietary bus amplifier can be connected to other components of the Elite, moreover travels over it not only control commands, but also audio, including and balanced. Due to this radically solve the problem of interconnect cables - in such a system, they are simply not needed. Optimum coordination is provided due to extremely short bonds, low output and high input resistance of the tire.

I have already listen to components Quad Elite, but then the system was a 45-watt amplifier that had to be taken into account when assessing the dynamics. At 200 watts per channel (our 6-ohm speakers) picture improves dramatically - while maintaining the characteristic handwriting amplifiers Current Dumping in the sound appears thoroughness, it seems to be more dense and saturated. But like last time, I note - before the first audition power needed to heat, and in the truest sense. After a two-hour run at a decent volume of his body warmed up until about 50 degrees, with the top of a few relaxed and bass out of the monotony, it manifests itself in the mass of tonal colors.

However, now I would describe the company kvodovsky character is a little different. Take, for example, a collection of symphonic works, recorded by different directors completely different technical means. There impeccable fragments, and some can see some purely technical flaws. But they are not important, the music covers everything, and it becomes clear why the editor of the magazine "Gramophone" in February 1999 chose these works. At full otherness unites them the ability to capture the audience, cause some associations, to create a special mood. But this is possible only if the sound does not annoying, if a copy of the sound image created by technical means, it seems to us as close as possible to what we consider the original. For it usually takes a live instrument sound or play any system you like. Both options have weaknesses, but with reference to Quad can talk about the extremely accurate reproduction of any entry regardless of its quality and content. First of all, it's amazingly light dynamic transitions. At sharp differences of sound pressure from zero to reject the diffusers in the picture nothing broken - no construction stage, no clarity, no correlation between the soft and loud sounds.

In fact, the dynamic resolution (perhaps it's time to enter and the term) is the main feature Current Dumping. Tube single-ended love for comfortable sound at low volume, the transistor - and head for the drive, and Elite QSP we have these qualities "in a bottle". Chinese drums on the disc - sharp and thunderous blows with light, airy vibrations of the membrane in between. Sibelius Violin Concerto begins with the orchestra gradually appears from nowhere, like the image on the photo paper, and gradually fills the entire room. In this case, again, does not change the tone of any instruments or music balance - piano replaced forte, and it seems that is expanded space of the room.

Quad Elite QSP Amplifier photo