Amplifier Densen B-150Outwardly, it seems one piece anodized aluminum. This impression is due to lack of clearance between the front panel and top cover, as well as any housing screws. Yes and no inscriptions on the face is not - they are brought to the top surface. Verge milled body perfect, and the combination of red display panels and blackening the absolute symmetry of the unit give some special, I would say, calling elegance.
Gilt buttons can be used to translate the amplifier to standby, adjust the volume, source selection and to activate some additional features, which I will discuss below. Provided and the remote control, but you have to purchase additional corporate control Gizmo. Such an approach, in this case it seems to me correct: probably the owner of the amplifier from the other components will Densen (otherwise what is the style?), And why should he pay for multiple consoles, which would still be lying around? The thing is, by the way, is not cheap - and too heavy milled metal.
And the circuitry of the amplifier can be called conceptual. Firstly, the path and no common local feedback. Audiophiles still have not reached a consensus on this issue, as is the use of it is obvious - reduced distortion, improved damping and bandwidth expansion, and damage from an engineering point of view is difficult to estimate. I had to listen to amplifiers with adjustable depth of the OS, and I must say that when it is a decrease of the intensity of the sound goes, it is becoming more open and comfortable. But clearly deteriorating control LF emitter - bass starts a little podguzhivat, hitting the bass drum lose sharpness. As with the case in Beat 150, we find out later, but the objective parameters such he claimed that the traditional approach does not always achieve - frequency range of 2 Hz - 0.5 MHz (!) And 0.05% distortion at rated power, i.e. 200 watts per channel into 4-ohm load. Without such feedback is extremely difficult to get the numbers, it is necessary to use high-frequency active components and build the amplifier stages with very low distortion. In the path used metal-film resistors Vishay laser-trimmed to within 0.1%. Pike made silfos under nitrogen to prevent oxidation during the heating surfaces. The motherboard has a fluoroplastic base, and it is known to be the world's best insulator. As you know, all of this costs money, hence the higher price than the amplifier, where the same parameters are easily obtained with the help of deep OS.
Volume Control - Digital to Analog, ie processor received the command from the remote or the buttons on the front panel, includes miniature relays, which commute resistive dividers. It is possible to realize a high-precision 200-step attenuator in 0.5 dB steps and minimum imbalance channels. The digital part is mounted in a separate shielded box and is powered by its own rectifier. Power stages derive energy from four separate bridges that can withstand the power of 3000 VA. The total filter capacitance 80,000 uF, and it is typed eight capacitors are placed in the immediate vicinity of the output transistors. This topology, which provides the shortest path for current flow, called DMCD (Densen Mass Current Distribution). Power transistors - and there are only a couple in each channel - soldered to the motherboard and a massive bar of thick milled pressed to the bottom. Thus, the heat sink is the entire body of the amplifier, and this must be taken into account when installing it.
Toroidal transformer capacity of 750 VA is located in the rear of the chassis and covered with a plastic cap. Escape it does not make sense - the torus and so has small stray field and tricky location windings in the particular case at all brought them to zero. Measures have been taken, and to reduce the 50-hertz vibration transmitted from a huge donut on the chassis. In the amplifier, as in all other models of the new series of Beat, is provided to connect an external power supply DNRG. To do this, on the back there are special seats - PSU and Link. According to a first voltage is applied, and the latter is necessary for the control, such as the transfer source mode Standby.
To Beat 150 can also connect the expansion board SB-01/02 to integrate it into a multi-channel system. In essence, this high-quality preamps, managed from the same console as the main unit.
To warm up, I usually put a disc Dream Theatre - most of the songs is very tight and a wide range at a marginal level. It is interesting to observe how the primordial sound of chaos begins to manifest musical base is made and becomes clear contours scene. In the warm-up is needed for all amplifiers and new - especially. Beat 150 goes to the normal mode after about half an hour jobs with decent volume. Most changes occur in the lower register - bass becomes faster and more prominent, clearly passed its harmonic components. The only things you can not get rid of the amplifier finally - some spatial disorganization in the most difficult compositions, when tools like stick together. But the rest of the scene is drawn almost flawlessly, especially on drives audiophile quality. However, the presence in the spectrum of RF power-components (plates, brass band) flanks begin to stretch to the side, directly adjacent to the columns. Attempts are transmitted accurately and rapidly, extraneous vibrations diffusers not. The bass is not buzzing even on live recordings of Neil Young, where it (bass) very much. I would have said, and high sound resolution Beat 150, which is able to show the difference between CD and SACD.
I always leave Densen amplifiers combined experience, and this model is no exception. Technocrats who appreciate the crystal clear and catchy sound, she may not like. Device is clearly intended not as a means to create an exact copy of the input signal, but obviously to transfer the emotional content of music. There are no engineering formalism, and in our time it is extremely valuable quality. ![]() |