Amplifier McIntosh MC207

Technique McIntosh always been respectable size, but MC207 has broken all records. Almost forty kilograms of live weight and chassis area of 45 x 48 cm - that's what cost the desire to create a seven-channel amplifier with an uncompromising McIntosh's sound.

Appearance instantly recognizable chassis made of polished stainless steel, dial indicators with blue backlit knobs with chrome rims and unrealistic size heat sinks. Switches operate smoothly, with a nice click. If necessary, you can turn off the backlight indicator, but if by the MC207 in a multi-channel interface DB25 connected to one of the receivers of the last generation McIntosh (MX120/MX136), then adjust the level it will automatically turn on. At the rear of the chassis are grouped inputs - one balanced XLR and RCA normal for each of the channels. Here jacks for external control - 12-volt triggers, and the already mentioned DB25. Speaker terminals are arranged vertically in three rows, which considerably simplifies cabling blindly, when access to the rear of the amplifier is difficult. Switching provides two, three and five-channel system configuration, with the "extra" channels you can use to buy-amping or scoring the second zone.

In studying the manual, I found that the characteristics of MC207 is superior to most two-channel Class-High End, with whom I had to deal with. First of all, it absolutely does not respond to the acoustic impedance - THD less than 0.005% is normalized at all frequencies for any power and any load. Here, the entire chip in the original circuitry DPM (Dynamic Power Manager), adapting the supply voltage of the output transistors under load impedance so that the distortion did not exceed a predetermined value. Since the output current may reach 25 A at each channel, DPM works in conjunction with an intelligent system protection Sentry Monitor. It not only eliminates the emergency situation, but also can save the acoustics - with clipping output stage circuit cuts off the higher-order harmonics that can damage the tweeters. Another system, Power Guard, is activated when the level of distortion of 0.3% and can increase the signal amplitude, i.e. operates as a compressor.

It is known that the power supply is radically affects the sound of the amplifier. But if stereovariante ensure its high power-to is relatively easy, the multichannel amplifiers many manufacturers compromise. But engineers McIntosh, as always, serious about this issue - the power supply system takes up almost a third of the MC207. Only one toroidal transformer with a special antiresonant impregnation weighs 12 kg, and a pair of giant capacitors 67,000 uF each able to store energy in the 430 joules. The power turns on the handle on the front panel or remotely, team AV-processor. Also provides for control of the amplifier remote zone B.

Increased current-return when working with low-impedance load is provided by six power transistors connected in parallel in each arm of the power amplifier. Board mounted directly on the huge vertical heat sinks. Since the machine consumes a lot of current network, it is recommended to include directly into the wall socket, bypassing the extenders and splitters. I would advise to build a separate line from the panel wire elevated section, otherwise all development efforts can go awry. The manual contains photographs indoor unit, they can see quality film and electrolytic capacitors.

Dial indicators connected to the output of the front center and front channels, are graduated in watts. They have stretched a logarithmic scale, so give a clear picture even at low output power. According to our measurements, instruments accurately calibrated, and their testimony is not necessary to recalculate a resistance acoustics.

Tract for listening was picked up serious: Blu-ray-player Samsung BDP-1000, processor McIntosh - MX135 and a set of seven high-quality speakers from different manufacturers. Impression of the multi-channel playback, you can pass in two words: stunning realism. Amplifier effortlessly handles the most complex soundtracks, confident passes any dynamic contrasts. A series of powerful blows to the chase "Terminator 3" sounded remarkably convincing from beginning to end - it is felt that the amplifier is very competent supply system. Note that the "underfed" amplifier can hold at that point a few seconds, after which the energy shocks decreases markedly. The only thing that should be considered - MC207 significantly heated, even at low power output, so in a closed rack to put it dangerous.

McIntosh MC207 Amplifier photo