McIntosh MC205 Amplifier

It is recognized instantly. Only McIntosh Labs - the very reputable American company which has produced audio equipment of the highest class for last 70 years - uses black faceplates made of glass with large logo and pointed indicators, highlighted in blue. Add impressive height, unusual for modern amplifiers layout (like in tube techniques, where a box-shaped platform, under which the separate device's modules overtop, is used instead of chassis) and an impressive mass. The device is just gorgeous - such a Rolls-Royce but in audio world. And this is - scary to say it out loud - the entire level in the amplification empire of Frank McIntosh! You won't find more affordable multi-channel power amplifier than MC205 in the existing company's module range. By the way, the company itself asserts it to be not the theatrical but exactly the universal amplifier without emphasizing on the number of channels.

We already know the seven-channel system - MC207. Our hero is a bit simpler: beautiful selectors with chrome rims disappeared from the faceplate. And it is cheaper, but this didn't impair audio qualities and the functionality. If anything. MC205 has five balanced and five linear inputs - they are located at the end of the platform. Acoustic outputs are arranged in two spaced vertical rows and only for this I would like to say thank the developers - it will be easy to connect even the thickest stiff cables in conditions, when there is very little free space behind. Surely, in MC205 the branded circuit technique Dynamic Power Manager, which adjusts power voltage of output transistors under the resistance of connected load, is used. On the one hand, this solution provides the necessary control over the speaker systems at relatively low for a transistor device damping factor (only 70 referring to 4 Ohm), on the other - extends the range of powers, where distortions almost doesn't grow, and on the third - allow to give the same amount of watts on 4-Ohm speaker systems as on the 8-Ohm ones. Agree that the return of 200W on any acoustics at the distortion of no more than 0,005 % is the unique index.

In General, MC205 has many simple but effective ideas. Three pointed indicators with a logarithmic scale show the power, which is supplied to the front and the central channel. T is not relevant for the back channels - the signal level there, as a rule, is several times smaller. The system receives all supply power like in 207th model from 12-kg toroidal transformer in special anti-resonant impregnation and from two giant capacitors with volume of 67000 uF. And high electrochemical capacity is achieved by the use of six identical in its characteristics transistors, included in parallel, in each arm. By the way, the radiators, on which they are mounted, are also the power elements of the body. Nothing superfluous is everywhere, but for a full due and with reserve.

In short the sound of MC205 can be described as breathtakingly neutral. There is no any transistor touch. The device is much better than all competitors by the level of micro-dynamic, spatial and harmonic resolution. Detailing at using the balanced inputs is the finest, jewelry: suddenly such nuances appear which are never heard in other systems. This noticeably enhances the effect of presence at the listening to classical music, but for rock programs such ultra-detailing is even excessive sometimes, because all fine technical fails are heard. The position of impedance switch affects the transfer quality of lower range (there is one on the back panel).

Generally, MC205 has no any significant minuses. However, it will become an ideal only when you won't be too lazy to find acoustics, pre-amplifier and all cables for it. Unlike other devices McIntosh is much more sensitive to the class of surrounding components. This is a purely audiophile thing.

McIntosh MC205 Amplifier photo