Magnat RV1 Amplifier

Products of the German company Magnat have always been represented in home audio only by acoustics, therefore the appearance of a high-class, moreover, real tube amplifier was perceived by most music lovers with amazement. The amplifier is designed by German and British experts, but is made in China. It is functional (selector for five inputs, remote control), beautiful, technologically advanced and technically flawless. The aluminum chassis is characterized by high rigidity. The layout other way around is interesting. If you remove the cover and look behind the front panel, you will see a preliminary section - 12AU7 and low-noise versions 12AX7 stand at a minimum distance from the selector and volume control. A number of very large power and output transformers are located in the middle of the amp. The EL34 outputs are in one row. Under the separate screen there are four more 12AX7EH phono amps. As you can see, both mechanical protection and unprecedented shielding from interference are ensured, and the problem of excessive heating is resolved. It is impossible to find fault in the quality of electronic components. Balance and volume potentiometers are from ALPS, ceramic panels are of the best quality, acoustic output terminals - WBT.

When creating RV1, engineers relied on circuit solutions from the 60s - 70s. Very possible, although by sound you won't say this. Here is too correct amplifier. It provides an almost holographic definition of a stereo image, which you can literally look through, it has a decent scale, but the sources of sound seem to be surrounded by a vacuum. The amplifier is linear, has a very clean polished top, a smooth and strong bass, but its middle register is obviously with some features. Convincing dynamics - the amplifier copes with dynamic contrasts easily, freely and with energy. But all of these sound too technical, without exciting drive. This is such a difficult situation: you cannot formally find fault with the sound stage, tonal balance, or dynamic qualities, but the sound is boring. However, we have the following idea about this. Neither our source, operating in super-clean mode, nor the Monitor Audio acoustics are suitable for this amplifier - they are also too "correct". It is not forbidden to connect components with a colorful emotional sound to Magnat RV1 I am sure this advice is useful to those who are confused by the pedantry and accuracy of this amplifier.

Magnat RV1 Amplifier photo