Amplifier Magnat RV2

On the exterior of the amplifier combines the solidity and elegance. It's pretty heavy, 23 kg, and the bulk of the falls on the back, where there are three impressive transformer shielding boxes. Net protective cover is so thin that it appears transparent. In RV1, if you remember, use the output tetrodes EL34, able to give a two-stroke turned on no more than 35 watts, the use of a more solid cylinders 6550 allowed to increase the power of each channel up to 50 watts. All lamps Russia, Saratov, matched at the factory in the pair after the 60-hour warm-up. In the pre-amplifier to double triode 12AX7 (European name ECC83), who qualified for a minimum of noise, realized circuit SRPP (Shunt Regulated Push Pull). This two-story stage is characterized by high linearity and low distortion, so it is often used in classic amplifiers, such as the legendary Audio Note Ongaku. In the driver developers prefer dual triode 12AU7 (ECC82) with a small plate load.

Magnat RV2 is designed to work with the heads of MM and MC (in RV1 was only input for MM). Because to get an acceptable signal/noise ratio for MC cartridges with low yield on the lamps without expensive step-up transformer is extremely difficult, phono stage is built on a low-noise operational amplifiers.

Switching six sources by means of signal relays Takamisawa, set next to the input jacks. Provided balance adjustment and control recording from any input. Huge machined aluminum volume knob can be rotated remotely using the remote - a heavy metal bar. Since it is also activated mode Mute.

The amplifier has a separate output terminals for the acoustic impedance of 8 ohms and 4, they are all real WBT clamping nut with acrylic.

Before listening, I drove for about two hours at a decent amplifier volume by placing the disc in the player Dream Theatre. Thanks to the hard and dense spectrum of this kind of music, among other things, can serve as a good warm-up material. Sound during this time has not undergone significant changes - a clear indication of elaborate circuitry and correct its implementation.

Typically, a tube amplifier can immediately know the nature of the bass - due to the relatively high output impedance of the transformer stage it is rarely clear and the same relief as that of the transistor. This problem was solved engineers Magnat more model RV1, and on the output tubes 6550 the result was even more interesting. In the bass begin to discern the nuances of performance due to the fact that it has ceased to blend in with the general background sound. By the way, I have heard many times that tetrodes 6550 and close to them in the design KT88 love metal, just for clarity in lowercase.

Another feature of these lamps, which can be seen in the sound RV2 - they make the middle register bit brighter, but it's not paint, no stiffness and no accent. Stringed instruments gain real brilliance and brass sound festive, with a spark. However, neither the musical balance, neither the general harmony of the orchestra is not broken, no one group stands out.

In soundstage perfectly positioned imaginary sources with a high range of triangle, cymbals, pipes, etc.. But Woodwinds little strapped to the middle and gently pushed forward. But on a speaker they have no equal, the smallest tonal nuances amplifier passes with amazing accuracy and real tube warmth. RV2 character resembles classic odnotaktniki, but of power, speed and dynamics clearly superior to any of them.

Chamber genres in our case it is simply out of competition. On some recordings Chesky Records backdrop scene takes a few meters behind the speakers, and in the intervals there is absolutely black background. David Cesky once told me at CES in Las Vegas that they specifically seek such an effect when recording using tube mics and consoles. Nevertheless, the real 3D feel when playing a conventional CD somehow it was not possible.

Switch to the Phono input MM. At usual volume corrector imperceptible noise, it will appear only if the twist volume control to the limit and only in a squeaker. Sound to the best of dynamic, balanced across the frequency range and contrast. Nothing distracts from the music itself, though crackling plates may seem edgy. But it's always a compromise: if the corrector is inclined to mask artifacts are likely to have had problems with either overload capacity, or with speed. In general, the symbiosis of chips with lamps gave a curious result - path does not suffer from maniacal attention to detail, but it lays out, as if on a silver platter, all music information available on the record. Of course, much depends on the player's head, but the nature of the amplifier showed and with our modest editorial kit.

Magnat RV2 Amplifier photo