Amplifier Accustic Arts Power ESAt first glance it may seem that the name of the German company is misspelled. In fact Accustic stands ACCUrate acouSTIC, and the main aim is formulated as follows: to achieve "absolute fidelity".
Such a task is set before him, each manufacturer of audio equipment, but Accustic Arts, unlike many competitors, there is a very real opportunity to address it.
Let's start with the fact that all the products of this brand are made in Germany at the factory, located near Stuttgart. This area is considered the heart of high-tech industry, where there are research centers and factories of companies from around the world. Here enterprises producing high-quality electronic components - is it after a careful selection of the company uses. Each product before sending it to the sale being thoroughly tested, and then a two-week run to detect possible faults.
But some high technology to achieve "absolute fidelity" is not enough, then there must be an understanding of the essence of the music and the relationship of this fact with the technical aspects of playing.
And here it just costs a little deeper into the story. Brand Accustic Arts is owned by SAE (Schunk Audio Engineering). Its founder Fritz Schunk in the early 90's had a successful career as a producer and a professional sound engineer, had his own studio AAAR (Accustic Arts Audiophile Recordings). The first technical project Fritz steel studio monitors, with which he tried to achieve extremely natural, lively sound. Before going into serial production of audio, Fritz about five years devoted to experiments otslushivaya as complete schematics and individual electronic components. Currently, the company has also sons Fritz - Martin Steffen, experts in the field of electronics, production and marketing.
Integrated Amplifier Power ES - one of the recent developments family team. It is made in a massive full-sized chassis width of 482mm. The front panel is audiophile laconic, her only big polished handles input selector and volume control. In the center between the two barely visible indicators of inclusion and protection operation, as well as the IR-receiver. On the remote control at all, only two buttons, the volume "+" and "-".
Relay switch serves four line inputs, but you can add an individual with a phono jack for MM and MC-heads. In this module, there are DIP-switches, which are given by the input resistance and capacitance. Speaker terminals on the two channel, so the amplifier can be connected only one pair of speakers.
After an hour of warm-up on the heavy metal turn to thoughtful listening. Amplifier shows the handwriting immediately, and it is unlikely to be confused with any other. First of all, I note the average range - it is informative, with plenty of tonal composition, like a good tube amp. Wind and string instruments are literally like living with a mass of timbral detail. Noticeable tendency Power ES few select, how would amalgamate separate sound images, which is why they seem to be slightly pushed in before. As if trying to power to the listener does not miss a single movement bow, no touch drumstick. This interesting property will enjoy an advanced audience, tracking the slightest nuances of performance.
On the construction of the scene is impossible to find fault, it will depend entirely on the most soundtracks and acoustic properties. In other words, everything that is laid in the sound space director, you will hear without any simplifications.
If we talk about the drive, the amplifier does not seek to unleash a barrage of sound at the listener (though it is in the right place can do it), but literally shoots individual notes and brings an energetic, pulsating character with well-formed rhythmic structure. The higher sensitivity of the acoustics, the more evident this character trait. ![]() |