Amplifier Bryston B135 SST2

In 2013, the Canadian company Bryston announced a replacement B100 SST integrated amplifier modernized version B135 SST2. Now, therefore, there is an option more interesting, and even for the same money?

With the massive metallic facade faded decorative horizontal groove, changed the form of buttons - that's all the difference in a head-comparison of two devices. The new model is so similar to its predecessor, which inadvertently comes the idea of a purely cosmetic completions: replaced, you know, indicator LEDs brighter and engraved a new room. After all one to one: a rigid sheet chassis on which side of monumental fixed aluminum radiators, the location of the volume knob and input selector buttons on the front panel design of the rear terminal panel with the same set of nests.

In the basic version B135 SST2 has the same seven line inputs, access to the record and closes the sliding switches couple PreOut/PowerIn. Like the "weave", this can be supplemented integralnik optional internal modules - RIAA-corrector plate or digital-to-analog converter, thus further expanding the already decent functionality of the device. In the latter case will involve both optical input and one of the input stereo RCA "reclassified" in two separate coaxial digital inputs.

Fundamental differences become visible only after a booster shoot steel casing by removing a dozen screws. On the circuit board is now used more tech surface mount electronic components, but, as before, in the audio path no one chip - everything is done with discrete components. The main power supply system in the new model is also based on two toroidal transformers and compact third "torus" maintains separate control system. However, the card stabilizers already looks different, and buffer tanks changed - instead of the bank's 44,000 uF is installed on ... 30000 uF. Why are not more, but less?

In Bryston believe that the power amplifiers generation SST2 used in the new model, effectively manage energy and therefore need less capacitive "pumped". Amplifiers from the previous generation SST they differ shortened and spryaml¸nnym signal path, low noise input stages and the so-called the quad complementary output, which at low levels indicates low distortion and is linear, comparable to class A, but at the same time provides high levels of power. At B135 SST2, as you might guess from the name, the rated power increased by 35 W with respect to "weave". And in fact, more. The exact value of the output power with distortion in the sheet is indicated factory measurements, which is applied to each specimen.

By the way, the customer enters the device is already "warmed up" during the 100-hour test on the conveyor. But still Bryston amps have one feature - they need another 15 - 20 minute warm-up after each turn. Our editorial B100, for example, begins to sing really, only when the radiators warm up to 50 degrees - 60 Therefore, I connected to the system, both the amplifier and withstood some pause before they are compared.

B135 SST2 expectedly showed a higher dynamic potential - this is the first thing I noticed. Absolute quality cardinality it significantly better, and this is expressed primarily in the fact that it retains more clarity on the sharp dynamic contrasts.

Middle register in the tone aspect has not changed. He's still the same clean, neutral and free from touch-up. No deviation of any warm colors, or in cold, but increased information content. It is felt by how accurate and richer the modernized machine reproduces the sonic details and a picture of reverberation in the room or studio. Space gets a clear and clearly distinguishable "heel." Even the most "dead" feeling out of phonograms vacuum. By that imagery and the accuracy of a sound stage, which gave us the B100 SST, a new power added another and live expression, and in the LF / MF increased articulation. The sound in the new version to get interesting, are introduced natural freedom and playfulness.

However, at the band edges as if something was wrong. I will not say, for example, that the bass was better. It's faster, sharper, but less filled in the low register, and even a little simplified harmonically higher, although generally quite velvety. It feels like B135 SST2 more difficult to control the acoustics. At the top of the band also added dynamics. Treble sounded more detail and sparkle, but at the same time they seem a little bit added to the anger. Instead of a thin elegant lace as the previous model - a clear deliberately laid out on the smallest components of structuring.

The latter, however, is hardly a disadvantage. New amplifier can hear more clearly. I just like all in the wording, for seven years so used to the "hundredth" that his sound writing for a long time will be taken as a reference.

Bryston B135 SST2 Amplifier photo