Arcam AVP700 ProcessorThe model AVP700 can be the example of a rational approach. It is not overloaded by switching functions (although it has good possibilities for the organization of multi-room system - trigger inputs, IR-inputs/outputs, RS-232 port). However, it is equipped with everything necessary for a qualitative conversion and sound processing from any sources. The device differs by perfect technical characteristics: "computer" center of the system is DSP Crystal CS49400, top-class DAC and ADC, produced by Wolfson Microelectronics, are responsible for signal converting, electronic elements are placed on four-layer boards, which provide less losses in the power circuits and the best isolation from noises. I'll note the presence of balanced outputs from the pre-section. Bass manager doesn't have lots of special features, but still makes the setting of multichannel configuration quite flexible - you can, for example, regulate timbres channel-by-channel. Separate settings of subwoofer channel are provided for stereo playback. In addition, there is Direct function, which puts the signal on the shortest path. Built-in video converter allows you to give the video of lower quality level (composite, S-Video) to component outputs. Switching by HDMI (digital interface) is provided. In general, if briefly describe DiVA AVP700, we can see a good, stylish and quite handy device, which has already appeared some time ago (summer of 2005), but still hasn't lost its novelty. Pleasant additions: the learning remote control has an illuminated keyboard, there is the input for MP3 player on the faceplate, AVP700 allows the connection of sources with increased or decreased output level. The first test - we connect DVD-player Denon DVD-2930 by HDMI and by optics (by the way, we didn't find big difference in the sound). The system sounds very well! Sound produces an outstanding dynamics, contrasts are played with flying colors and at the same time there is no rudeness. Microdynamic picture is carefully worked out, bass has almost natural density, mid-range is washed and the tops are elaborated in details, subtly but on the verge of sharpness. The first impression is - lively, lightly with true emotions, i.e. without artificial drama or optimism! But when you listen to several programs, you understand that still there is a slight mechanical background in the sound. Voices need openness, and low range - infralow components, which create volume of hall. Go to the analog connection. The source is the same Denon. Bass becomes more plastic, but less focused. The resolution increases, especially in the upper band. This is an interesting illusion - it should be vice versa. At double inter-conversion (D>A>D>A) musical information can be a bit lost, not restored. The switching to Chord player puzzles more - actually, the tract of AVP700 from the analog input has higher resolution. Absolutely not the illusory details appeared in the sound! The scene, which seemed to be a bit forward, took its place, clamping has almost disappeared, sharp localization cropped out. A similar effect occurred at the playing of super drivers. The processor is able to open and show that layer of musical information, which SA-CD and DVD-Audio come with. Only a slight mechanical "taste" stayed - it appeared even on vinyl. AVP700 can't be called an absolutely neutral; it has its own sound signature, but not very noticeable. The different character in analog and digit makes it more universal. One connection suits better acoustic or chamber music, the other - to guitar or electro. |