B&W ASW 300 Subwoofer

ASW 300 is one of nine branded subwoofers. The developers recommend it for low-frequency support of acoustics from the DM300 series. The diffusor of the speaker is made of Kevlar-paper composite. The branded low-noise bass reflex port is at the bottom of the body. A necessary for its efficient operation physical gap is formed due to plastic supports. The sub is perfectly equipped. In addition to standard gentleman's set there is a switchable EQ, the possibility of commutation bypassing low-pass filter is provided (the switch in "Out" position), high-pass filters are in all outs. Furthermore, a "reserve" linear output - Link Out- is equipped for parallel connection of additional subwoofers. There is BOSS overpower protection system. When the signal level increases, nonlinear distortion in the upper bass raises too.

Being equipped with a relatively small head, the sub generates a surprisingly massive bass. Its power will be enough for correct reflection of any LF special effects. In the scenes of global disasters the lack of deep bass components is compensated by solid drive. The results of some limits on dynamics become visible at the increased volume levels. We are not talking about audible distortion, but "glibness" as if disappears in drum sounds (explosions, shooting and so on). You need to use actively the settings; any it is advisable to connect any satellites in this case to the sub's outputs. It is meaningful that the quality of ASW 300 bass does not really depend on LPF bandwidth - quite a rare case. The subwoofer is better to use in small spaces in order to always have some power reserve.

B&W ASW 300 Subwoofer photo