Stereo Receiver Sherwood RX-772

American Sherwood, based audio engineers Ed Miller back in 1953, one of the few offering a fairly wide range of music lovers to a stereo - in a modern line of as many as five models. However, do not look at the main site of information about RX-772 - it is designed exclusively German division of Europe and is produced under the brand Sherwood Newcastle. The main external difference - laconic front panel with a greenish tint titanium. However, this is only a formality that had no effect on the main principles of design. Like all "Sherwood", RX-772 - a very powerful machine. Through the ventilation slots seen serious transformer, power amplifier with massive heat sinks are able to give a load of up to 100 watts into 8 ohms. Between pre-and end section provided the gap, which can enable the equalizer or additional amplifiers.

The entire tract is built on broadband WRAS and ideology through the use of discrete elements is made as short as possible. Particular attention is given to layout "earthly" chains, as it significantly affects the clarity. The device has a switchable tone-and extra mode Pure Direct, which generally let the signal directly to the volume control. Do RX-772 well developed selector functions: input switch is designed for seven sources, and output - two pairs of speakers. In addition, a built-in RIAA-corrector. As you can see, nothing is missing.

With vinyl and begin. Frankly, not impressed. Concealer seems set here for show and is not designed for high-end turntables - tonal balance and micro drivers leave much to be desired. But if the signal can be fed to the line input with advanced digital source, the receiver will show itself in a very different light. First of all - its power quality, especially in the lower register. The device gives battle, rhythmic, heavy bass. Since the relative order of intelligibility. Solo percussion RX-772 transmits clearly and effectively, but fragments, where the low-frequency range is very wide, diverse and energetic (as in some compositions jazz-rock group Niacin), sound as if simplified - some bass lines merge into gudyasche-vibrating background. Average case is not very informative, but played sweetly, without coloring. High detailed area significantly better, although it sounds a little aggressive.

To transfer a minimum of space claims. In the presence and depth, and precise localization. Panorama has a decent scale and beyond stereo.

Tuner pleased clean reception stations with a strong signal and middle. Moreover, also like the sound of - no feeling trimmed the bottom or top, compression dynamics, etc. Broadcast perceived very harmonious and even had all the signs of a clear localization. However, setting the station with impaired level unstable reception accompanied by significant noise. This tuner is better suited for the city.

Sherwood RX-772 Stereo Receiver photo