Mission m34i Floor standing speakers

Mission m34i is a two-way construction. The branded drivers, among which I'd like to note a 25-mm tweeter with membrane made of the patented Viotex material, are used here like in most other products of Mission. In fact, this is fabric with a special impregnation with unique properties - astonishing lightness and extremely high resistance to bending distortions. Mid-woofers no less impress - serious drivers with three-layer diffusers, made by the patented Paramid technology. They are also equipped with powerful magnetic system, which guaranties high return and low level of distortions. The manufacturer declares the use of elements of audiophile quality in crossover.

Each loudspeaker has a pair of spring terminals, which support any types of connectors or wire of decent diameter. The body is made structurally simply, but nevertheless all necessary measures for its careful damping are present. There is even the compartment for ballast, which for additional absorbing of vibrations can be filled with dry sand or lead pellet. Build quality is quite good; the bodies are finished by good vinyl film, imitating natural wood.

Mission m34i leaves the strongest impression at low and medium volume level. in this case the sound is incredibly plastic and musical, with accurate and fast bass of moderate depth And transparent, natural middle. Tonal balance I perceived to be almost perfect, the sound of natural instruments is always recognizable and differs by a rare naturalness.

With volume increase the character of sound doesn't change fundamentally, but sometimes buzzing of the body becomes noticeable, which is especially annoying at the playing of phonograms rich with basses. The solution of the problem is elementary - you only need to fill the ballast compartment with weight. As for the rest, the claims to transfer of various musical fragments are so minimal that does not deserve even mentioning. Mission m34i can be considered to be one of the best by forming the sound stage - they differ by clear localization of virtual sources. And at the proper installation relatively to the listener you can get a true effect of "three-dimensionality". Taken all an all, the scale of musical picture is kept amazingly accurate.

Mission m34i Floor standing speakers photo