Amplifier Goldenote S-1In the hierarchy of the Italian manufacturer Goldenote model S-1 refers to the primary level, but significant simplifications of circuitry is not supported though. The basis of the principle of the amplifier with dual mono completely identical left and right channels. Power supply contains two massive power transformer W-shaped cores, and for control circuits and display modes organized a separate power line. Power output apparatus is relatively small (40 watts per channel), but it does not appreciably limit choice of suitable acoustics - the assurances of developers, Goldenote S-1 to cope with the most modern models. To reduce the signal path in the path of no active circuitry overload negatively affecting the sound. When the internal temperature of 80 degrees machine built thermocouples just disable it.
Goldenote S-1 provides an extremely clear, you can even say delicious sound peculiar to all products of this brand. When clarity mid-frequency band is sometimes a little warm color of voices and light domination of individual instruments of this spectrum. Amplifier does not have a grand dynamics and dazzling band playing. Rather, it can be called a sort of intellectual diligently fulfills its mission, but not eager to hit the listener explosive energy. End of the range can be described as somewhat flattened, besides lowercase sometimes suffers from laziness. Claims to the construction of the soundstage was not. Space formed exactly the same as it provides a source without geometric distortion. |