Vincent SV-227 AmplifierA mass, integrated amplifier Vincent SV-227 is made by hybrid scheme combined the advantages of both tube and transistor amplification. Pre-stage is built on miniature double triodes 12AX7 (3 ones), having low level of noises and nonlinear distortions in the small signal. Next the signal goes to powerful dead-end stage on heavy-current transistors (2SA1695/2SC4468) by Sanken giving up to 200W (4 ohm) in each of the channels. Supply system impresses too. A huge torrid transformer and smoothing filter, drawn from the tanks with the total nominal value of 40000 UF, form the base. Unlike many competitors of the test Vincent SV-227 has a complete equalizer with deep regulation of bass and high frequencies and also loudness mode. The amount of available inputs is exhaustive: five pairs of linear terminals and USB interface are provided. First of all, the sound of the amplifier is balanced by tones and, as a result, the degree of naturalness is high. Starting with low middle the whole range is detailed to the limit and is perfectly worked out by tones. High register distinguishes by specific lightness. A virtual atmosphere attends in full at any volume. Closer to the bottom border of operating stream the sound a bit lose unity; possibly, not very high damping of the bass affects. In practice this shows itself in slightly amorphous, lazily reproduction of powerful, low-frequency impacts. Switching to USB connection gives a pleasant, melodious sounding but a bit tightens range edges and dynamics. Sound stage easily earns grade five. The space is really palpably. |