Audio Analogue Donizetti Cento Amplifier

The Italian amplifier is assembled in a powerful anti-vibration case with thick side walls and a massive front panel made of milled aluminum. It is based on the principle of "dual mono" with separate power supply of each channel from its own toroidal transformer. To embody the engineering ideas there is discrete circuitry, which is more expensive from the production point of view, but at the same time allows to achieve better sound quality. In this case only local feedbacks are cut in the amplifier, and the output stage is realized on high-current transistors. Due to this we got both solid power (it reaches 190 watts per channel at 4 ohms load) and increased load capacity, which makes it possible to work with low-sensitivity loudspeakers without problems.

The amplifier is equipped with line inputs on RCA and XLR terminals, and the manufacturer recommends the balanced option as more preferable. There are also 12-volt inputs for external control of the amp.

Audio Analogue Donizetti Cento shows a well-balanced sound throughout the entire working range with a clearly defined midbass and precise impact. Tonal character is extremely balanced, without a noticeable characteristic transistor tint. The power reserve allows you to almost not think about the choice of loudspeakers; the only thing is that they should have the same neutral character of sound. Also note the strict and monolithic lower bass with a clearly traced structure and well-controlled reverberations. Meanwhile, there are some nuances here. It seemed that at times voices had a little smack of cold and piano sound needed a little more air. The dynamics of playback is almost endless - the amplifier is equally uninhibited when working with rock compositions and playing quiet chamber passages. The playing of high frequency depends largely on the type of connection and the quality of the source. The best way is to send a signal to the amp through balance with a copper conductor - in this case tops will acquire a pleasant silkiness and neutrality.

Audio Analogue Donizetti Cento Amplifier photo