Luxman C-383/M-383 AmplifierLux Corporation Company is represented as the best set from 300 series. The main adjustments, such as sound timbre and balance control are produced by potentiometers, installed directly on the main printed circuit board of amplifier. As a result focusing and amplifier distortion are minimized. Audio-volume control is placed on the front panel with the help of extensional pin made of special material. The regulators are separated constructively in order to prevent digital interference from digital part of the circuit to the analogue one. Besides, video amplifier part of the circuit and power box "multi-room" are also separated. The high-quality buffer video amplifiers, placed after each video socket (LD, AV, VCR) allow to maintain the quality of recording. With the help of Rec Selector switch one can give one from eight signals to the tape recorder. C-383 has complex circuit of correctors with two switches on the back panel: one is used to choose the type of head shell and another - to regulate the input resistance. The division of feedback (Duo Beta Circuit) allowed get amplifier with excellent sound characteristics. Separated transformer windings and completely separated circuits of feed source for digital and sound part of amplifier prevent its mutual influence. Switching on power (Star Circuit) is served for prevent this impact. The multifunctional console RC allows to manage all sources of sound supported the interface of System Bus: to choose the station on tuner, to install the level of recording in tape deck and to work with disk playing equipment. It is clear that the company used all its achievement in power amplifier M-383. Also, bides stages Duo-Beta, power circuit of stages Star Circuit, phase pickup were applied. In order to get the minimal distortion of sound there were used not only symmetric circuit technology of stages, but symmetric construction of disposition of its main hosts. The large toroidal transformer and four condenser of filter of 15000 allow getting easily the power of 220 w to the channel and in case of bridge switching on two channels - 700 w on 8 ohm load. The switch A/B on the front panel commutates the two pair of acoustics. The additional convenience is placement of pair of separated sensitivity control on the front panel. But you should not forget about using it, as the result of it may be unpredictable. The special big sockets give the possibility to connect quite thick wire or socket of Banan type. All this applied Luxman technological decisions allow using the pure "airy" sound with good spacing effect. In the process of listening to different texts, among which was the record of breaking the glace, the perplexed colleagues have come from the next room (What is going up here?), as it was so real sound of breaking the glace. ![]() |