Pioneer A-A9MK2-K AmplifierOutwardly the second version of A9MK2-K amplifier looks the same as the first, except that the finish is now black instead of dark gray and the remote control is noticeably prettier and has become much more convenient. Major improvements designed to make the sound more transparent and accurate, touched the internal layout. As in the previous modification, the principle of "double mono" with separate toroidal transformers for both channels is implemented. But here the low-noise Schottky diodes are used and a number of other components of the sound path are improved. Functional equipment also has not changed. There are four line inputs and one Phono, designed for MM and MC pickups, as well as a USB connector. USB interface allows you to connect to a computer for listening to music files in the most popular formats. The proprietary Sound Retriever mode compensates for the loss of high frequencies during compression of audio data. Amplifier Pioneer A9MK2-K slightly lacks plasticity in the lower register and airness of the mids. The piano, for example, is too much accentuated and not very natural, however, the upper case is absolutely free from veil and reproduced correctly. The space is wide and large-scale. Three-dimensionality of the soundstage is clearly expressed, remote plans are read confidently. There are no complaints about the localization, with the exception of slightly amorphous images at the edges of the stereo base. I took the opportunity and listened to several compressed songs from a laptop, connecting via USB. No miracle happened - compression artifacts are, of course, audible. But when I turned Sound Retriever on, the sound became much more balanced and less aggressive. |