AMC 3100a AmplifierThe design of AMC amplifiers is so conservative that you won't immediately understand if it's a new model or from twenty years ago. The inscription "LD" ("Laser Disk") on the input selector causes nostalgia! 3100a circuitry is made in the best traditions of the brand: transformer is impressive and toroidal, the output stages can give up to 30A, so that the amplifier can easily pump even the most "heavy" speakers. Functional possibility are more than sufficient: mandatory balance and tone controls, as well as a Direct button to turn them off. The number of inputs for sound sources did not disappoint - there are six in total, two of which are with recording access. To expand the system, an output from the preliminary section and the power amp input are provided. The sound of AMC 3100a attractes firstly by dynamics. Even difficult phonograms in this regard are reproduced confidently, without blurring contrasts or noticeable compression. The amplifier easily and effortlessly controls the lower part of the range - after all, a competent implementation of a power source means a lot. The bass is dense, clear, perfectly damped. It only seemed that its depth could be more impressive. The tones in the mid-frequency region are transmitted lively and in variety of ways, but the female vocals are somewhat simplified, its musical intonations are sometimes not entirely true. The light veil is also felt, which affects the strings. Resolution at high frequencies is not always enough, but this will become noticeable only when using very high-class acoustics. The spatial picture is huge, the scene is built correctly. |